13 Flirtation

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A few long days had past now and the amount of metahumans that sat in our prison had grown. In those passing days I had been also working on the show quite a lot which left most of the superhero work to Barry. I had finally come to terms with it though, if I didn't want this life to cage me I had to stop comparing my hero work to Barry's. The show was going great and due to Peggy and I's already existing friendship our chemistry on stage was great. The whole cast worked together greatly and we were accomplishing things fast than the director had first thought which encouraged him to move up the show dates. With the timeline on work approaching faster and the need to catch the Reverse Flash looming over my head I was glad the Barry had taken on the work of saving kittens from trees. He was growing faster and with my constant rehearsing my voice was growing stronger, it was all working out beautifully. I would get texts from Cisco when there was a meta-case and to stay on the lookout for certain people but most of my days were spent in the theater. It was a comfortable feeling, it felt as though nothing had changed. Today though I was called into the labs to talk about one of the CCPD's cases that did involve a meta who had just broken a man out of prison.

"These cells are moving faster than I've ever seen, even faster than Barry's." Caitlin said watching the screen.

"So our guy is a meta?" Barry asked looking to the team.

"Not quite, there is a woman's DNA also mixed in with the sample you have here. It's her's that seems to be moving so quickly and the man's that follows." Harrison said looking to the television. Cisco then ran the DNA through a database finding a match for Barry and Joe to look into. The two left to go find the woman while the rest of the team tested her DNA to see just exactly what she could do.

"And what do you want me to do?" I asked towards Harrison wondering why I had been called to the labs.

"You should go train. You've been busy and we want to make sure that you aren't losing your touch." He said without looking to me. I huffed but accepted that it had been a while since I had truly trained both my body and my powers, I had hours before I had to be anywhere so I got changed and got to work. I had no mastered using other things sounds against them and for myself but I wondered what else I could do with my gifts. After forty minutes of the same old stuff I was getting annoyed and threw the sound towards the ground, it shot me up into the air as though I had jumped before disappearing. I smile grew across my face as I used I larger sound and got a larger jump, this was something I didn't know I would be able to do. I then spent the next hour seeing how high and how long I could stay in the arm and testing how much I could move in the air without losing control.

"So cool." Cisco mumbled by the door as I was lifting myself in the air. I gently brought myself down and a smirk tugged at my lips as I sneaky thought entered my mind. Taking sound from the radio I lifted Cisco up into the air which was clearly very startling for him. "Okay, okay let's put me down now!" He yelled over the sound of the radio and my laughs.

"What did you need?" I asked as I set him back on his feet and muted the radio.

"I just wanted to let you know that Peggy called asking if you could help her with something at the apartment, Wells gave you the okay to go." He said nonchalantly. I nodded and grabbed the bag the held my clothes and phone before saying goodbye and walking out to my bike. I was quick to get to our apartment and was nervous that maybe the Reverse Flash had made a guest appearance for my roommate, quickly my thoughts turned dark as I ran up the stairs and threw up the door. I saw my roommate standing in out living room with her back to me.

"Peggy are you alright?" I questioned the distress clear in my voice as I imaged all the horrible things but I was stopped short when she turned around with a bright smile and a dog in her arms. Every muscle in my body relaxed as I saw the adorable bulldog.

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