15 Big Bang

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The following days hadn't been filled with as much joy. Practices for the show were growing longer and closer to my time at the labs became limited to whatever spare seconds I could rush over, Barry was taking care of most of the mundane hero work and I was only notified now if something major had happened or was in progress. So naturally, when Cisco's contact popped up on my screen I grew nervous.

"Hey what's up?" I asked soon after tapping the green button.

"You need to get over to the lab, now." He said sternly. Cisco and I had grown close despite our distance apart. Although I don't often see him at the lab I do see him around my apartment, he and Peggy had grown very close in the months they had been talking. I pained me slightly to see it because Peggy and I hadn't talked much about it, I was so consumed with my life and what was happening that Peggy and I couldn't have the normal girl time we used to.

"I'll be there soon!" I said rushing out of practices saying that I was having a family emergency. I had grown fairly good at lying the people about my odd habit of running out last minute. I hung up the phone before hopping on my bike and racing towards the lab hoping that whatever this was wasn't too horrible. But what sat is the cortex of the lab wasn't horrible at all.

"Ronnie?" the words softly left my mouth not asking for confirmation that it was him, clearly it was, but more or less asking why he was now sitting in the lab.

"Dr. Stein." He responded back. My eyes darted to the different faces in the room begging for someone to fill in the blanks before I went mad. The man standing in front of me was not the man I had encountered before, he was cleaned up now and his hair was cut short. He was quite cute, good pick Caitlin.

"Come on," Barry said with a chuckle leading me out in the hall to explain. "That is both Ronnie and a scientist named Martin Stein. They joined together when the accelerator exploded creating Firestorm. We are going to help them split apart." He said summarizing what I had missed, I nodded slowly taking in all the information.

"Okay, got it," I said knowing that any minor details weren't important currently.

"Also-" Barry started making Eliza worry there was more she had missed. "You look stunning." He said kissing her forehead with a smile before taking her hand and walking back in the cortex. Barry was like that, always sweet and even in the middle of dealing with a living bomb made sure I knew he was thinking of me. It was quite sweet.

When we had walked back in Caitlin and Dr. Stein were walking away to run a few more tests and Harrison was working on the computer.

"Where's Cisco?" I asked realizing the man who had called me here wasn't present.

"He had to run out right after he called you," Barry replied simply not thinking anything of it but I knew better than that. Why would Cisco run off right when Ronnie had shown back up? "Anyways do you wanna go grab some lunch?" Barry asked with an irresistible smile, so of course, I said yes.

We grab food and then went to Jitters for some coffee and to just relax since it seemed as though Caitlin had things handled at the lab. We chatted for a while about both of our jobs and about Cisco and Peggy.

"Fun fact!" I said giddily. "Cisco has a third nipple!" I cheered hushedly in case anyone nearby knew him.

"Ew, what?" Barry asked with a laugh.

"Peggy told me, it's not huge or anything but apparently it's there," I said sitting back in my chair. Barry laughed at the new information about this friend.

"Do you ever want me to spend the night?" He asked somewhat awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck, I gave him a soft smile.

"Of course but you know, when we're ready. I know you're a speedster and all but we don't have to rush into anything." I said giving him a smile. I knew that he had been in love with Iris since he could walk and I didn't want to push him into anything he wasn't ready for, I just hoped he was completely over her. I tucked that thought away and laughed at a joke Barry had made as our conversation continued. We made our way back to S.T.A.R. labs and found a very concentrated Harrison staring at a computer.

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