17 New Norm

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It was a gorgeous day in Central City, not a cloud could be seen in the bright blue sky and for a brief moment, all felt right in the world. I didn't have to worry about crazy Generals or men lighting on fire, I could just simply enjoy walking down the street on my way to work. Although from within the theater walls I couldn't see the blue sky or hear the birds chirping a new type of magic laid within the velvet curtains and crown molding. The hours flew by that day unlike they had in weeks, I was able to just in enjoy my time working with my best friend and our fellow actors but as the hours ticked by a looming sense that something was coming started to fill my stomach. That's when Cisco called.

"Get here quick." Was all he said before hanging up, I knew it couldn't be good and I worried for all of my friends that worked at the labs but being Blue Banshee and working along with the Flash that was my new normal. This life of being on stage, although fun, didn't fulfill me like saving people did.

I excused myself and ran out to my bike a soft smile played on my lips as I started the engine and put on my helmet, its matte black metal was warm from the sun under my legs as I sped through the city streets, I made it to the lab in record time. It was dark now the sun had set on the city bay and with it, the hope that this mission would be easy went with it. When I walked into the cortex the group was crowded around Ronnie who was strapped up in a chair crying out in pain.

"Water!" He croaked out and I quickly grabbed the glass that sat next to him, before I could blink he shattered the glass and went to work on his arm.

"Ronnie! Stop!" Caitlin cried out grabbing at his arms but Barry stepped up.

"Caitlin." He warned.

"He's cutting himself." She cried looking towards the speedster and his face fell.

"I know. Let him." He said softly and Caitlin took a step back as did I. I could see the rough letters that he was carving out. 'WHERE' written largely across his arm. The room fell silent as we waited for a response.

"Tap tap, tap, tap, tap tap tap," Ronnie said slowly, Cisco quickly got to work solving the morse code.

"27?" He questioned not understanding how the number could help us find the professor.

"An army base, like area 51!" Barry said quickly as Cisco typed away on the computer.

"Base 27, it's abandoned and very close." He said as the base appeared on the map.

"Let's go," I said turning to Barry getting ready to leave.

"I'm coming," Ronnie said unhooking himself from all the wires tracking his brain waves.

"Is that the best idea?" Caitlin questioned her voice full of dread remembering the last time the man had been the hero.

"I thought we could run away and start over but it's not that simple. Cait you will always try to save people and I will always be the guy who runs into the pipeline to save you." He said with conviction before kissing his fiance. I smiled at the pair but it wasn't a happy smile, more of a somber smile. I knew the danger we were all in and I could imagine losing someone and then getting them back just to have them in danger once again. My eyes drifted towards Barry seeing he was already looking at me, now and a happy smiled played a litter large on my lips before I turned and left the room clicking my watch and having my suit form over my body. The flash and Ronnie were next to me in no time.

"Let's do this," I said getting onto my bike and clicking a button next to the ignition so that it's color now matched my suits, Cisco really did think of everything. Ronnie sat behind me and grabbed onto my shoulders as he sped off following close behind Barry. "Run ahead we'll meet you there!" I called into the headset and Barry nodded taking off at full speed I shifted gears and race on my way feeling Ronnie's grip grow tighter.

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