10 Holiday Spirit

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It was the most magical time of the year, the trees along the streets now glowed white with the small bulbs that were wrapped around their trunks. All the stores were decorated with red and white and small christmas trees and bows flooded the eye down every street. Central City was about as jolly as ever and it truly warmed my heart seeing kids sit on Santa's lap whispering what they wanted and watching couples snuggled up walking through the park. Thoughts of my growing affections for Barry would pop into my mind when ever I saw a pair having meaningful conversations in Jitters or walking with their fingers interlocked. I walked up the steps towards my apartment with breakfast and two lattes. Sliding the door open revealing the Peggy had already started putting out some decorations. A small christmas tree sat in the corner of our living room untouched, we had agreed we would do that together.

"I'm back!" I said with a smiled as I closed the large door behind me. Peggy's face beamed as she came over the our kitchen table to bite into her breakfast sandwich.

"I brought the boxes out of storage. Wanting for you has been killing me!" I laughed, this was our favorite time of year and spending the holidays in the city was always the most fun. I played holiday music over the apartment speakers lightly as we ate and trimmed our tree. After about an hour our apartment looked like the inside of a teenagers catalog and we both loved it.

"Want to watch a movie?" I asked, I hadn't been spending the usual amount of time with my roomie and I was worried that it might be taxing on your relationship, but today had shown me that it was completely the opposite. We weren't attached at the hip so we finally had things to gossip about that the other wasn't there to see for themselves. We sat on the couch with a Hallmark Christmas movie playing in the background as we filled each other in on the fun details of our lives.

"Cisco and I are in such a good place!" She gushed talking about the sweet nerd. "He texts me good morning and good night practically every day and he tells me about the different things he helps invent for you and Barry!" She continued. They had gone on a few dates now, very innocent and extremely cute. "So what about you, go out with any hotties in between kickass and work?" She wiggled her brow at me and I chuckled.

"No none at all." I said recalling how my person life had fallen in the shadows with being a hero and work. "I just haven't had the time." Peggy rolled her eyes at me.

"Elizabeth Ann, you need to make sometime for yourself. I know plenty of the guys from the show want to take you out. I'll text a few and set you up, all you'll have to do is show up." She said sternly so that I couldn't refused. I small smiled played on my lips and I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever you say Pegs." I had given up, when she got like this there was no stopping her. Our conversation continued onto random things, Peggy hadn't heard back if she had gotten the role that she had tried out for. I could tell she was nervous and it didn't help that I had been called with the positive news the day before. As the conversation drifted on to every topic I had lost track of time. Peggy's phone began to ring and a silly picture of Cisco lit up her screen.

"Hey Cisco!" She said cheerfully into the phone, I couldn't hear his response but from her expression it was surely just as cheerful as hers. "What's up?" She asked as her fingers twirled her hair, her face shifted and she giggled slightly. "Yeah I'll tell her." She said before looking towards me and tilting the phone away from her mouth. "You were supposed to be at the labs 10 minutes ago and you haven't been answering your text, Cisco thought that you may have died." She said light heartedly I bounced up grabbing my phone off the kitchen table seeing the seven missed messages from Cisco and the ten from Caitlin.

"Tell him I'll be right there!" I said slipping on my shoes and jacket, I grabbed my helmet and raced down the stairs and out to the street. I was at the labs within five minutes and raced inside. "Sorry we were decorating for the holidays." I said to Caitlin seeing that Cisco was still on the phone with my roommate.

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