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It was a slow night, there wasn't any robberies or armed suspects to track down. Barry had run off, most likely to make a guest appearance at Jitters since Iris had just uploaded a new post on her blog. As he sped off I could hear sirens in the distance.

"Cisco what's that about?" I asked mounting my bike and starting her up.

"Car theft, police are tracking him down. Doesn't seem like much but-" Before he could finish I was on my way. I rounded the corner seeing two police cars trailing behind a yellow Hummer.

"What kind of idiot steals a Hummer?" I asked sarcastically to Cisco. I sped past the two police officers and was riding along side the hummer now. My plan was to cut him off when I saw a boy standing in the middle of the road.

"Don't kids have curfews anymore?!" I asked speeding up to grab the body before he could be hit. Just as I was about to reach him barry flashed past me grabbing the kid and taking him to the side of the road. Ahead of us the police had made a barrackade with their cars. I listened as the Hummer kept accelerating.

"He's not stopping!" I yelled to the officers hoping they would move. The couldn't hear me or maybe they couldn't move in time but the Hummer plowed through the cars. I pushed down on my bike and hopped over the hood of one of them racing after the speed racer. I raced forward and stopped in front of the fences along an alleyway.

"Get out of the vehicle!" I yelled at the man. Now getting off my bike and standing tall.

"If you say so." He said opening the door and stepping out, but instead of closing the door like any normal person he ripped it off of the car and threw it at me. I ducked just enough so that it missed me.

"A little aggressive don't you think?" I said looking at the large whole the door made in the fence. I took a stance as the man walked toward me and yelled for him to stop. Sound waves visible in the air but as they hit his body he turned to metal and was unaffected. "Well that's bad." I said before he picked me up by the collar of my suit. His arms turning into the same metal material before he launched my body into the car. I slumped down onto the ground coughing up some blood. He walked over to me with a smug look on his face.

"Looks like you were born to take a beating." He said as he raised his arm back but before his fist could connect with my body I was sitting on my bike. Barry was standing next to me.

"Go!" He demanded. I nodded but as I got ready to leave everything became blurry. Barry noticed and hopped on the back of the bike and sped off towards S.T.A.R. labs. "Just hang in, we're almost there." He said as we pulled into the garage. He ran me into the cortex and laid me on a bed. No one was here so Barry search for Caitlin's first aid kit, as he walked back in with disinfectant and bandaids Caitlin, Cisco, and Harrison entered.

"Eliza!" Caitlin said running over and pushing Barry out of the way. Caitlin worked her doctor magic in no time. "You have a concussion, you shoulder was out of its socket, and a bruised spleen. I'm shocked you're not hurt more." She said giving me a disapproving look.

"Maybe you have a variation of healing powers like Barry." Cisco offered. Caitlin nodded and went to look over the papers from test she had previously run.

"What exactly did you hit?" Harrison asked holding his chin.

"A big man. When I yelled and hit him, he just turned into metal." I said wincing as I sat up. Cisco walked over with a grumpy look in his eyes.

"So you went after a metahuman alone? Barry should have been there to help you." He said crossing his arms. Some sort of anger sparked inside of me.

"Hey it was the car thief, we talked about me going after him before you left." I said defending myself.

"Yes but once you saw he was a meta-" Cisco continued his attitude and voice raising.

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