4 Blue Banshee

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It had been a few days of stopping petty thieves and helping cats out of trees and while that was all fun and good I was ready to go up against another metahuman. I was already at the labs when Barry rushed in not being able to breath.

"The gas is still inside me." He wheezed okay, choking on the gas. Caitlin suck a needle in his chest pulling out the sample and allowing Barry to breathe again. He laid on the bed with his shirt open finally looking over and smiling. I was sitting next to him as everyone else did studies on the gas.

"You're luck you heal fast or you would have died." I said giving him a light nudge. He rubbed his chest.

"It feels like that time I had one cigarette." He said and I gave him a questioning look. "Teenage me lived for danger." He said with a chuckle and a wink. Something bubbled up inside me, why did he have to wink, I thought. He sat up, "I have to get back to the station." He said standing up.

"You should be resting." Harrison reminded him as he continued to do work on the computer.

"I have to talk to Joe." He said before leaving us all to continue testing the gas.


I had asked to be excused for the rest of the day, I had promised Penelope to go with her while she visited her brother in Iron Heights. He was in there for something drug related and Penelope went because no one else would, the rest of their family had casted him out. As we were leaving I saw Joe entering, I gave him a small smile and a nod as I followed my friend out of the building. We sat in her car and ate chips and cookies, something we did everytime we came to visit. Penelope was a tough girl but when it came to family she couldn't keep her walls up, some days she would be mad and rant about how dumb her brother was for getting into this mess other days she would sob for hours wondering why her family was so messed up. Some rare days, like today, she was fine and the visit didn't affect her so we would just sit and talk. It had been about a half an hour before my phone rang looking to Peggy she nodded that it was okay to answer.

"Hello?" I questioned answering Cisco's call.

"Are you still at Iron Heights?" He questions.

"Yeah why?" I said turning to Peggy a concerned look in her eye, suddenly the flash ran past the car shaking it. I look wide eyed, my friend gave me a smile and unlocked the car doors. "I just saw him, I've got it!" I said before hanging up. I didn't exactly know what to do until I saw a green gas escaping from the side of the building before manifesting into a man. I ran after him, remembering that I couldn't breathe him in from Barry's early incident with the bald headed man. Barry wasn't outside yet and I could let this guy get away. "Hey!" I yelled to him getting him to turn around. He eyed me.

"Came to help your little boyfriend?" He questioned before forming into his green form. I planted my feet and took in a deep breath before raising my arms and screaming. The feeling erupting from inside of me again, the tickle at the back of my throat vibrating throughout my body. A constant wave of energy came out of me pushing the gas back as it hit it like a wall. He was pushing against the wave trying to come after me but the wave remained constant. Suddenly I felt it, I was running out of air. How was I going to keep to wave if I didn't have any breath to push it with? Lucky Barry ran past me and I was able to drop my arms and take a breath in. The gas going after Barry now as he punched at the bald man's human form. Suddenly Barry and the man were racing down the road. Barry was using up the man's energy, just like me scream there was no way this guy could stay in his gas form forever. Soon he was laying on the ground unconscious from pushing himself too far. Barry Came over to me.

"Are you alright?" He asked grabbing me shoulder, I nodded.

"I'll meet you back at the labs I responded somewhat winded, he chuckled at me current stay before picking up the man and running off. I went back over to the car and told Peggy how to get to S.T.A.R. labs.

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