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It was a sunny saturday afternoon, as I stood in the empty theater the world seemed to disappear as if the only place in the whole universe was the room I was standing in.

"Working yourself to death I see." Penelope said as she dropped down her purse and walked up the stair onto the stage, in her hand she carried a large paper bag which held our lunches.

"It's not work if you love doing it." I answered back walking towards her as we both sat down on the ledge of the stage, she handed me my salad and then took out hers. "Besides if we both practice enough then we could be in this show together, we haven't done that since sophomore year of college." I said nudging her referring to the horrible rendition of Cats our college department tried to put on. She laugh and our small talk continued.

About two hours had past and in that time we had gone over the needed lines, songs, and dance number. Penelope was getting low on energy.

"How about we take a break and run over to Jitters?" I asked feeling as though I could use a break as well. Peggy nodded quickly. But before we could even leave Cisco was calling me.

"We have on issue at Cunningham and St.Pear." He said sharply. I looked back at Peggy who clear had heard him.

"Go, just don't die! I'll meet you at S.T.A.R. labs." She offered with a smile. I nodded back to her and ran out of the theater clicking my watch and slipping on my boots.

"What's the issue?" I called into the head piece over the sound of the engine.

"Bank robbery." He answered back, I could hear Barry say he was almost on his way, I sped off and arrived at the bank just as I saw a red suit flash by me.

"Quick bastard." I mumbled to myself before hopping off my bike and running into the bank. All the people in the bank were practically killing one another. A gunshot went off and as I turned to see where the shot came from another loud bang ran through the building. Barry had moved and coin collector in front of a man that was being shot at. I scared young woman held the gun before starting to shake and dropping it. Barry nodded at me and sped off. "Is everyone alright." I called out hoping no one had been seriously injured, in response there were multiple mumbles and small answers back. I nodded and when I heard sirens approach I went back outside to my bike and headed towards S.T.A.R. labs.

"That was insane." I commented walking into the cortex.

"I've got to go, Joe called that they need me down there." Barry said now in his normal attire. "Sorry I beat you there." He said sarcastically with a sly smile, I laughed.

"Just you wait Barry. One day I'll get there first." I said as he left. Cisco suddenly had a million questions to ask about the robbery.

"Okay look. All I know is that when I got there everyone in the bank was at one another throats, a loud bang goes off and suddenly everyone is back to normal." I said holding up my hands in defeat. "I've got to go change." I said walking backwards.

"I've got your clothes right here." Peggy said walking in with both our bags and yet again another bag of food. "Would've been here sooner but when Cisco heard I was coming over he asked for my to pick up so food." She said eyeing the boy who smiled sheepishly.

"Hey, a man's gotta eat." He said taking the bag from her and giving her a wink. The two had gone on two more dates in the past couple of days and had grown very close. I took my bag and ducked into another room to get changed.

After about an hour Barry came back and Harrison wanted to talk to the whole team about what may be going on. Peggy left to go take care of her shift so I sat in one of the office chairs that we had waiting for Harrison to begin.

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