20 Secrets

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In the past few weeks I was shocked that no one had died; we had gone up against the Trickster, who was thankfully now in prison, and some wannabe Bee Hive Queen. All of it was very strange but thankfully Felicity and Atom had come to help us. Barry has been non-stop training and it's helping, he's faster than he's ever been able to catch anyone. And yet it always feels as though the faster he's getting the farther he is from me. We had decided to give the "normal" relationship a break and focus on training and catching the reverse Flash but something in the back of my mind continues to tell me that when this is all over Barry and I may be too far apart.

The team, that is me, Barry, Cisco, Caitlin, Joe, and Eddie. All sat in Joe's living room to plan out how to catch Harrison. Joe had a lot of evidence stacked against him and although he has done a lot of me I couldn't help but see the holes in his life and how Joe filled them perfectly with his theories. Cisco and Joe were going to go to Starling City to go back to where Harrison was in a car crash a few years ago to see if there was any evidence. The planning and lying was pulling the team to its limits, Caitlin wasn't fully on board and it showed.

As the boys left I continued my life as usual. I was at work preparing for the show that would be in a few weeks, the time had really flashed by. It was my lunch break when Caitlin called to tell me we were up against a shapeshifting metahuman.

"Wonderful." I muttered texting back if I need to go to the lab. Caitlin responded that I wouldn't need to but to just keep a lookout. I put my phone back in my bag and went back to work not feeling hungry anymore, when were these metahumans gonna calm down. The day was coming to an end and Peggy and I went home and had dinner.

"Do you know where Cisco went to? He said he was gonna be busy for a few days but I can't reach him and he's not at home." Peggy asked after a few minutes of silence. Cisco had made me promise not to tell her, he was worried that if anyone outside the team knew what was going on Harrison would use them as leverage.

"I haven't heard from him," I said and I watched her expression saddening. "But knowing Cisco he's probably at some comic book convention and just didn't want to be embarrassed," I said with a light chuckle, a small smile grew on her lips and we continued eating.

Barry called me late into the night saying that the shapeshifter had touched Eddie and killed two cops, now Eddie could be going to prison. I felt so helpless after the phone call, there was nothing I could do to help Barry or Cisco and Joe. I just had to keep living my normal life. I wanted to catch metas and stop reverse Flash and have my friends back, have Barry back.


I have decided that I'm done living this boring life and not helping, I went to the PD but Barry had already gone home so I got on my bike and drove over. Caitlin called me on my way saying Barry and I both needed the get to star labs and that she had some way to stop this guy. I walked up to the front door and knocked on the door. Barry soon opened it and smiled.

"Hey Bare!" I said happily stepping in as he backed up.

"Hey, you." He said more quiet than normal. I took a deep breath.

"So I know that we said that we were gonna hold off on us till everything was solved and your dad is out of prison, and I still totally get that! I just was thinking that, well I don't know, look I just don't want to be left on the sidelines anymore." I said pacing back and forth. Barry chuckled.

"Well, okay then." He said with a smile, not his usual smile but still a smile.

"Is everything alright?" I asked taking a step closer, there was something in his eyes that wasn't right but I couldn't figure it out.

"Yeah of course. Just stressed with everything going on with Eddie." He said looking everywhere but me, why was Barry lying. I nodded and took a step back.

"Caitlin wants us to meet her at the lab," I said walking towards the door, I could hear Barry behind me as we walked outside. I put on my helmet and sat on my bike, once again Barry looked around strangely. "Well come on we don't have all day," I said inching forwards to show him that he should sit behind me, something was definitely off.

As we arrived at the lab Barry seemed to be looking everywhere, as if he was seeing it all for the first time. Iris came in a few minutes after us.

"I've been looking for you everywhere!" She said coming in quickly. "I was thinking what if this guy has done something like this before, framing people and then running. So I hacked into my Dad's account and saw that there are dozens of cases of people who were caught on film but had solid alibis." She paused looking around Barry had a confused look on his face. "So then I looked at the clip of Eddie and watch, Eddie isn't left handed this can't be him." She said triumphantly. Iris and Caitlin began to talk and I noticed Barry pulling something out of his back pocket.

"Barry can I talk to you," I said nodding towards the hall. He shifted and nodded following me out. I turned to him and noticed that both his arms were down by his side.

"What's up?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"I don't think we should put us to the side, I know I said I did but with all of this going on. I just can't imagine how I would feel if something happened and-" I was cut off, Barry was kissing me. I wrapped my arms around his back and pulled him closer to me before gliding my right hand down his back. In seconds I had grabbed the gun and pinned him against the wall.

"Wow Baby!" He said with his hands up.

"Barry doesn't call me Baby." I said with a smirk before hitting him over the head with the butt of the gun knocking him out."Fuck you." I said with a chuckle as his body hit the floor, I turned and faced the cortex. "Caitlin, Iris!" I yelled and the two ladies came running. "I've found our Everyman," I said looking down at Barry.

As Caitlin and Iris drove him to the CCPD I went back to Barry's house to get the real Barry. When I got there I looked all of the first floor and couldn't find him anywhere, I then went up to his room and once again nothing. I turned to the closet and opened the doors finding barry unconscious on the floor tied up with duct tape. I ripped the tape off his mouth and shook him lightly.

"Barry?" I asked seeing if he was waking up. "Sorry bare," I said before slapping him waking him up. He sat up quickly looking around.

"Seriously salt under the nose works just as well." He said pulling at the tap on his wrist. I rolled up eyes and pulled off the tap on his ankles. "The Everyman he was here!"

"Oh, I know," I said finally getting the tape off. He gave me a questioning look. We decided to save the story time for another time when there wasn't a meta loose and we both headed back to the lab where Caitlin had made a serum to stop the Everyman. They found him at an airport and Barry sped off, an hour later the criminal was locked up and Eddie was free. It was satisfying knowing it was a job well done, but not everything was finished. Joe and Cisco asked that we meet them at Barry's lab.

"So if this is Harrison Wells?" Caitlin said trailing off not knowing which question would be best to ask first as we stared down at the corpse in front of us.

"Then who have we been working with?" I asked finishing her sentence for her. The team didn't have an answer but it felt like we were close to one. Caitlin, Cisco, Barry, and I decided to grab some food and go back to Star labs to look for any clues. After we ate Cisco ran a test on a virtual 3D model he had of the building to search for anything strange, there was a room that shouldn't be there. We all raced through the halls till we reached the one that the mystery room was in.

Soon we were walking through the wall into a dimly lit room the yellow suit illuminated in a show box, similar to the flash suit and few floors up. I looked around the room as it lit up and a pillar rose from the floor, I reached out and touched it. The headline read. "Flash Missing: Vanishes In Crisis." I scanned the article.

"Guys," I called out barely above a whisper as I scanned the paper. " On the anniversary of Blue Banshee's disappearance, we find ourselves yet again vulnerable to villains as your very on Flash seems to have vanished without a trace." I read out loud my voice shaking.

"What the fuck," Cisco whispered out looking at the date of the paper. April 25, 2024.

I looked to Barry with wide eyes and he grabbed my hand squeezing it slightly as a sign that it would be okay, but clearly, it wasn't going to be okay. 

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