♥Chapter 1♥

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~Author's POV~

"Is it just me or do I smell stain..." You looked at them with disgust.

Sam just coughed while Dean glared at him then back at the road.

"Aherm... So Dean, how's hell?"

"Wow Sam... I don't know hell's pretty cool ya know. I enjoyed my stay! Wanna join me next time? Just chillin' with my bro Satan?" You said with the most sarcastic voice.

"I don't want to talk about it Sammy." Dean said ignoring you.

"Oh.. uh.. sure."

"♪I tortured souls and I liked it. I hope my brother don't mind it~♪" You sang staring at Dean through the rear view mirror.

Dean looked horrified while Sam was worried and curious.

"What the?" Sam looked at you. You smirked in response.

The rest of the car ride was nothing but awkward silence.

After few hours of driving we stopped.

"I let you drive here alone and you picked up a chick?" An old man (Bobby) said.

"Bobby, this is S/N Nov--"

"Y/N L/N, nice to meet you Bobby."

"S/N, stop lying. Who ever "Y/N" is, that's not you. So stick to your name."

"I AM Y---"

"Just get your ass inside!"

Why am I even staying here?!

"Okay, guys... This is Pamela Barnes. She's a psychic." Bobby introduced.

"Well Sam and her would get along well... Well at least before she touched the gay angel's human." You whispered to yourself, though Dean heard it.

"What are you talking about?" Dean asked.

Everyone's head was on your way now.

"Oh boy, I meant happy! And I don't want to spoil your life! I've only seen what would happen through this season."


"Let me give you a clue....Aherm." You started vocalizing. "OMG, I can't believe it! The pain! Feeelllsssssss! Angstttttt! I am sorry! Cue drinking d-blood. I can't believe you betrayed me Dean! Sam... You fuckin left me. Your fault. Well you started the apocalypse! No you did!" Everyone was staring at you weirdly. "Well Pamela, just be careful what you touch. You might just melt your eyes. I'm not staying her and get ear raped, so yeah... I'll be outside laughing at Pamela's dead body." They all glared at me that moment. "I guess I deserve this...? I can't leave anyways so... See ya in the car, bitchess!"

"Uhm, how about no? We'll get you checked before me... You're mad..."

Sam pushed me to a seat and Pamela held my hand.

"No homo right? Bitch fucking answer."

"Could you watch your fuckin language?" I raised a brow to Bobby. "Balls!" 

"What?" Pamela asked as soon as she touched me.

This is so gross..

"What's wrong?"

"Agh!" She immediately pulled her hand from my head. I saw her fingers burnt a little. "What the hell?!"

They all looked at me. "Well lucky you it wasn't her eyes! That means Castiel has something to burn."

"Who the heck is Castiel?"

"Your boyfriend is going to be so mad... Let's just go and find Princess Dean's knight in shinning armor~"

Finally getting enough of your shit talk, they sat down and let Pamela do her job.

"Now I just need to touch something our mystery guy touched." She said smirking.

"Woah, he didn't touch me there..."

"He hoped he did. Also Pamela...nice knowing your eyes. I will miss them..." Not giving a fuck about your warning she proceeded. When Dean removed his jacket, it revealed a huge ass hand print. "Woah... That's gay... Gross but beautiful..."

The room started shaking. An ear piercing sound is heard through the whole room... Well except that you understood it.

"I invoke, conjure, and command you, appear unto me before this circle." Pamela yelled.

The others were covering their ears.

You stood there and watched Pamela do her job.

"I'm Castiel... The one who raised Dean from perdition."


"Castiel? Sorry I don't scare that easy."

"Can you understand me? If you can... Then you'll burn your eyes if I show myself . Plus I didn't even say something yet.."

"She doesn't understand ear rape that well."

"I invoke, conjure, and command you, appear unto me before this circle."

"S/N! What the fuck is Castiel?!" Sam screamed.

"The one who called dibs on Dean."

"Oh! You can understand me?! Helloooooo
Humannnnnnnn! Do humans still follow the rules of dibs? Can I call on Dean?"

"What? Uh... I am not afraid Castiel! I invoke, conjure, and command you, appear unto me before this circle."

"Hello Castiel!"

"Could you tell your friend to stop? I might melt her eyes. I don't want that... My form is quite overwhelming for humans."

"Go ahead melt her face if you want..." Everyone was looking at you weirdly. The ear raped had eased a little.

"I don't understand..."

"She stole your dibs... not that I want you two together. But I treasure the power of dibs. She touched him.... And he liked it..." You whispered the last part.

"What? But I called dibs. Is that not the earthly ways?"

"Pamela's a bitch! She doesn't understand the concept of dibs."

"What the fuck?" They all said at once.

"Tell her I'm going to come if she calls me. Warn her I'm melting her eyes."

"Hey, Castiel and I are now BFFs! He said he'd let you see him if you call. Well down side is... You won't SEE him."

"I invoke, conjure, and command you, appear unto me before this circle."

The next thing we knew she was screaming on the ground. Everyone was panicking while I was laughing at her.

"Well I'm going to find a vessel. See ya! Take care of Dean! I'm sorry about your friend..."

"You're an angel Cas!" You laughed. You glanced at Dean. "He's going to change big time. I hate that change. I love him ooc. He's so fuckin adorable."


"Told her so."

"Just help!"

"Jeez fine!" You knelt down and touched her eye socket to play with it... But then it stopped bleeding. An eye then grew back.

"What the fuck?!"

Pamela woke up and looked around.

"I'm fucking blind aren't I?"

"Well congratulation for the new eyes... That doesn't work."

"S/N, the fuck did you just do?"

"I don't fucking know...."


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