❣Chapter 7❣

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-Author's POV-

A month or so had passed since the last time you saw the Winchesters. They also barely answer your calls now days. Well it's October 30, you figured Dean must have known that Sam's been diddling with Ruby.

Of course this gets you worried. So what did you do? You visited their next case.

You not knowing where they exactly we're right now you just went to their hotel. Which you somehow memorized... What the fuck is wrong with you?

Took a bus to Vancouver. Then you took a taxi.

"Uh.. could you drop me at a cheap hotel in 2111 main Street?"

"Well, would city centre motor work?" He asked.

"What the fuck... How'd ya know it's that one?"

"What? Well I guess cause it the only one, or something... I just don't know what you want."

"Yeah. Just fuckin drop me there or something."

He drove silently, occasionally glancing at you. After few minutes or something... I don't know ain't been there. You hopped off.

You immediately saw the Impala. Not knowing which room and alias they were using, you couldn't go at the counter and just ask randomly... Or can you? Of course you can't dumb fucker. You don't have a fake ID, you can't open Baby up or Dean will fucking kill you. So what do you do? Think like a fucking normal human.

Someone pushed you to the restroom and threw a costume at you.

"Fucking cosplay you dumb fuck!" You tried to look for that person to look at it weirdly.


"Do I fucking look like Chuck to ya?!"

You shook your head not knowing the fuck is happening. Then no one was around anymore... Only a pile of clothes. You looked at your choices.

It was a trench coat, with small black wings stitched at the back, a suit I guess not to mention... It comes along with a Halo headband... Also with blue contact lenses. In fucking short you could go as fucking Castiel.

Other one was a pink dress with blood spilled all over it... And yes it's the kid Lilith.

Last choice was a red polo or some shit and a brown jacket... Black pants.... Surprisingly plain. Not dark... As inspecting the jacket you saw... Fucking hell Candy heaven. It's full of chocolates and shits in it's pocket.

"Fuck trick or treat. I want this jacket."

You tried grabbing a bar of chocolate from the pocket but failed.

"Fucking wear it if you want that shit." You heard somewhere.

"I want Dean gay for Cas... So it's this fucktard. I want Sammy and Dean-o screaming at me for my life choices... It's fucking Lilith... I want chocolate... Whoever this shit is... Gay motherfuckerrrrrsssssss!"

You went in a stall and changed into Castiel costume. After you successfully worn your outfit the lights turned off.

"Shut the fuck up. I'm going to actually make you look like that gay angel."

When the lights turned on... You were standing in front of a mirror. Drawn beard, wig and even fucking contacts. You actually look like Castiel.

You looked at where the other costumes were supposed to be... It wasn't there anymore. Only a pumpkin bucket was.

Sighing you took it and went trick or treating. Of course you started somewhere far from Baby so you'd get more candy.

"Trick or treat!" You screamed at the lady who opened the door.

"Well... That was very rude. Not to mention you're to old for this."

"Bitch give me fucking treats or I'll fucking obliterate this fucking town. You glared at her." She was about to slam the door at your face when you blocked it with your foot. "Slut chose trick then..." You pulled out your fake angel blade from your sleeve. To your surprise your eyes actually started glowing blue.

Scaring the lady she threw a bowl of candy at you. "Take it! Just don't hurt me! Oh my God...!"

You kneel down and took all the candies she gave you. "Thank yo--" You were interrupted when you decided to stab your shoulder. "FuCkInG HeLL tHAT fUcKiNG HuRtS!!! AHHHHHHHHhhhhHh! hElP mE!!!! i'M gOnNa FuCkiNG diE yA sHiTs!" You shrieked, possibly waking up other people from another room. You suddenly felt your size shrink... You were about the height of a 12 year old now... Because why the fuck not.

Well of course some shits would come and look at what's up. Crowd then gathered by the door trying to see what's happening. The lady that stabbed you was outside yelling "She attacked me! She intruded my home! A---"

"Excuse us. Agent Seger, F.B.I. What's happening?"

"A-An intruder is in my house! S-She pointed a knife at me... H-her eyes was scary! A-And...--"

"FuCkInG HeLL!!! i'M gOnNa bLeEd tO fUckiNg dEaTH beForE tHe pOliCe EvEn gET hErE!"

"I-it was self defense! I-I panicked and stabbed her at the shoulder."

You then felt an arm supporting you.

"You are?"

"FuCkInG dYiNg tHatS wHaT aGent!"

"Wait what? It's a kid... Call an ambulance."

"What kid? I-I swear sh-she was A-An adult!"

"FuCk! Don't fucking call an ambulance! If you do I'll fuck your face up real fucking good bitch." You whimpered. You stood up and held tight to your shoulder.

"Well she certainly speak like an adult..."

"Take me to that car..." You pointed at baby.

"Uh kid, no." Agent Seger glared.

"Listen the fuck here agent..."  He actually knelt down to reach your level. "I fucking shrinked. I'm a grown fucking woman! I'm going to fuck a Winchester someday but not today! Now take me to that car and call whoever fucking owns that shit. There's some serious voodoo shit happening to me. Fo fuk sake I shrank like a bitch!"

"Wait... S/N?"

"Well would you fuck me in the ass. It's the fucking FBI... Samster... Then this must be Dean-o..."

"Damn it S/N, what did you do now?!"

"We're sorry everyone for the commotion! We'll take care of the kid now." Everyone started looking at you weirdly.

"Fuck you... Dean-o clean my wound. Samster sucks."

"Y/N, could you check your language?! And the heck are you wearing?!"

"Damnit I knew I should have gone for the chocolate jacket guy. I wore this to help you with your sexuality. I mean Dean-O a waman cosplaying as Castiel. Deyum which are you hard for?"

"None because you're currently a kid and that's all kinds of wrong..."

"yEz! Samster doesn't seem to mind that I look like a 12 year old." You smirked at him.

"God damnit."

"So... what now?"


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