♠ Chapter 6 ♠

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-Author's POV-

"I found it!" You cheered.

"So, what's your mystery sandwich?" Dean said not even looking at you, making you pout.

"First of all look at me when I'm talking cause I'm the fucking queen! Second... No I gave up on it, I searched for what you're searching. It's called the Rising of the Witness. According to copy and paste it's an ancient prophecy from the book of book of Revelations, and get this it's a si---"

"It's the sign of The Apocalypse..."

"Fucking hell Bob, you stole my fuckin thunder."

"Well I found a spell that can put them to rest... Bad news... The---"

"The ingredients aren't here! We need to go outside! Hah! How'd ya feel now that your thunder was stolen huh? Huh bitch? Fuckin hell doesn't feels great huh? Feel my fucking pain!"

"Y/N, not the damn time for childishness. It's a sign of the apocalypse yet you're still like that?"

"Shut up. As if you expected me to change. Dean-o I saw this coming. I just don't know which part of it I'll be around."

"Well, why didn't you just told us what this was instead of making us search... You said you forgot..."

"Fuck you Samster! I'm not a walking fucking New Testament of Winchesters! Do I fucking look like Chuck fucking Shurley?! I am not Chuck Shurley who knows what the fuck happens every fucking second. I am not God whom I don't even know if exist pretty sure he fucking does! I am not OK! I am just a fucking nerd who does nothing with her fucking life but fangirl and fantasize over hot fucking men! Fucking hell I wanna go home and do all that..."

"Who's Chuck Shurley?"

"Episode 18 never mind that. So wanna fuck?"

"What the...?" Sam... Whatever the fuck you call that reaction.

"I mean wanna fuck... Wanna fuck shit up? Deyum I ain't fucking ya boi. I too smexy for ya gay little ass. Nah JK, I don't mind fucking you I mean hot damn your hot." You smirked at Sam.

"Ew, no not here not now and not him. What the hell?"

"What? Dean-O doesn't approve of me?" You laughed.

"No. Now let's do our job and ice this sons of bitches."

"Language you motherfucker."

Bobby then shakes his head in disappointment and opened the door.

"Well you girls could flirt or bicker all day but we have a world to save in case you forgot."

"Right, Bob needs help."

"Y/N, Bobby is already a nickname..."

"What want me to call y'all ster? Samster? Bobster? Deanster? Wow Bobster sounds like lobster... Samster hamster. "

"How am I a hamster?"

"Because your cute." You winked.

"The hell you flirting him now for?"

"I need to crash with you guys... I ain't flirting with your gay ass. Briel doud doesn't seem to give a fuck about this hot piece of ass."

"Wait... So why flirt with me?"

"Question later. Save world now."

"Fuckkkk how much longer do I prolong this shit?"

"Bobby's right. Stop flirting with Sammy and save the world now."

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