💖 Chapter 12 💖

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-Author's POV-

"Sammy, look... I like this drawing." You pouted. Pointing at the Samhain drawing in Anna's sketchpad.

"Be professional..." Sam whispered at you.

"That's Revelations."

"Since when does the Book of Revelations have jack-o'-lanterns?" The psychologist asked.

"Since he fucking said so bitch. Now if you don't stop asking questions, I will fucking make you." You glared at her.

"Calm down." Sam then pulls you away from her. He waves his finger no at your face. "That's bad. Don't do that. Sorry about her, anger management issues."

"Fuck you..." You whimpered. So you just decided to seat down and pout.

"Uh... It's a, uh, it's a little-known translation." Dean told the psychologist.

"OK then. Is there anything else?"

"Actually yes. Could you tell us more about Anna's parents?"

"Well, Anna's father was a church deacon. When she became ill, her paranoia took on religious overtones. She was convinced the devil was about to rise up and end the world. I hope you find her. It's dangerous for her to be out there alone right now. I'm happy to help you guys. I'm gonna get going now." When she turned and finally gets away you glared at the door.

"What a fucking bitch! How dare she!"

"S/N, she didn't do anything to you. Please calm down."

"W-well... She's taking oxygen that I was supposed to breathe. I fucking hate her! It's my guts talking. Also you're dating Y/N, not S/N. Fuckin call me by my name."

"Well, my guts is saying I'm hungry..."

"Dean, I think we should work on this first. I mean Ru--"

"Sammmmsssstttteeeerrrrrrr! We want to eat! Ya shittin on my dream right now dipshit."

"S--Y/N, you literally just ate a gallon of ice cream..."

"Shit like that doesn't fill ya stomach."

"You know what. I'll manage. Y/N, just eat whatever food is left for you."

"Fucking delicious..." You said sarcastically.

The three of you then rode the car and went to Milton's.

"Mr. & Mrs. Milton?" Dean knocked.

"They ded..." Curious by what you said Dean turned the knob. Just realizing that it was open.

"We're from sheriff's department... We just want to ask some questions."

"Sulfur, dead body. Perfect combination." You said pointing at the ded body.

"Throats slit..."

"No shit."

"Y/N, where is she now?"

"I will if Samster gives me a kiss~" You sang.

"Sam, check the sketchpad for something useful or kiss?"

Without second thought he took the pad from Dean's hand and scanned through it.

"Samster! How fucking dare you! If you do give me a kiss I'll tell you everything I know about this douche."

"She's at her church."

"Sammmmmm, pleaseeeeee? Just a peck? I'm sexually frustrated..."

"No thanks."

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