❣ Chapter 10 ❣

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-Author's POV-

"Well... Fuck." You whisper after the Winchesters tied you to a chair.

"Help us and we'll untie you."

"Boi, Samster ain't the only psychic around town!"

"Well I'm going to give you the pros and cons of being a psychic. You could do shit with your mind, you exorcise demons with your mind... You could kill the demon without hurting the host." He started smirking as he continued on.

"Aherm..." All of a sudden Sam turns to Dean who was glaring at him.

"Ri-right! T-the cons are..... Dean will hate it?"

"What the fuck?" Both you and Dean asked at the same time.

"I-I mean... It-its evil yeah! Very evil!"

"Well... sooner or later I'll know what I am. As of now, I'm a hoe from the future. I ain't helping ya fuckers. So go do whatever you do. I'm getting outta here and meet Castiel. Ya know, ask some of my backstory he knows of."

"Fine..." You then see Dean hesitant whether to say something more.

"Dean-O, ya OK?"

"Sammy, could you please wait in the car? I swear... Its not much."

"What? Dean, if its about S/N... I deserve to know."

"Yeah Dean-O! My boyfriend should know more about me than his brother!"

"Wait... you're dating?"

"We are?"

"Let a fangirl do her job Samster... let her do her job. I love you now. I'm no longer 'S/N Novak' I'm a Winchester. I do Samster, I could marry you! Dean, we're now in-laws."


"Y/N, shut up! Sammy, now is not the time to go overprotective boyfriend on her! It's just... Something she needs to hear. She needs to choose whether to disclose these information with you or not.... Wow how did I know those words."

"Dean, we're not dating. And I'm stuck with her too so I have the right."

"Samster, it's my life I think. So I need to know if it's private first... I think. And I'm really hurt. That's not how you break up Samster! You fucking dick." The rope that was tied on you was magically untied so you stood up and grabbed Dean somewhere private.

"So... It's about your past. S/N's past? I don't know!"

"Yeah... What is it?"

"I saw her. You probably know when I came to past thanks to Cas right?"

"Yeah... You saw your dad and mom. Your mom made a deal with Azazel that's why he's like this."

"Right. This time I saw you with a man... I didn't quite catch who the man was but... He was familiar. Also you were stalking my dad."

"That's it?"

"Yeah... Caught you making out with that guy... Yeesh..."

"Well if your worried... No I swear I won't hurt your brother. I will love him with all my heart. Whoever that man was... I won't cheat on Samster with that man... Unless he's like super hot and powerful..."

"Wait... What? I swear... Are you two dating?"

"It's like a Spideypool thing... Or Cablepool thing... I'm Wade in this story. Horrifyingly ugly, killing machine who somehow can't die... I tried don't ask. Samster is Spider or Cable who had enough of my shit... Annoyed by me and wants me to fuck off."

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