💗Chapter 14💗

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-Author's POV-

"Cas, stop please!" Sam begged.

"You'll make Dean angry if you hurt him."

Castiel then hesitantly touched Sam's forehead. As Sam fell Dean charges at Uriel.

"I've been waiting for this." Uriel smirked.

As he was about to punch Dean a bright light came then Castiel and Uriel disappeared.

You however fell on the ground, coughing blood.

"What the..." Dean ran towards you. "Y/N, are you Ok?"

Instead of answering you just wheezed and coughed harder and louder. Breathing became harder and harder. Blood was still coming out.

"Y/N?" Sam then stumbled his way towards you leaving Ruby.

You started hyperventilating. Your entire mouth was covered with blood. Then thunder roared.

Anna's screaming was heard from the other room. Ruby came to get her while the boys were attending your aid.

"What's happening?!"

"Y/N, what's wrong?!" You can see the panic in their eyes.

Tears were flowing down your eyes. Chocking on your own blood.

"What's happening?" Ruby finally interjected.

"I-I don't know..." Anna stuttered.

"What did you do!?" Dean roared. "What happened to Cas and Y/N?!"

Thunder was getting louder and louder.

"Loud thunder but no rain anywhere nearby." Ruby observed.

"I feel something powerful coming..." Anna shivered.


"I-I feel it... There's more than one..."

"You two go hide somewhere!" Dean groaned.

Anna and Ruby then ran to the other room.

Six loud bangs came from the roof. The lights started flickering.

The door opened revealing a woman and a man.

"Wh-what...?" The woman stuttered. Her eyes looked at the man surprised then at herself. "Th-these bodies..."

"Lilith?" The man looked at everything surprised. He looked everywhere. "I-I'm alive?"

"Lilith? The demon?" Sam spat

As they heard you cough the two turned to you.

"Oh shit... Your lucky it's just us!" Lilith yelled. "This is trouble! Azazel? I was expecting someone more like Alistair..."

"Azazel? Yellow eyes?" Dean scoffed. "Bullshit, I killed him."

All of a sudden the guy's eyes turned yellow while the other turned white.

"Lilith..." Sam stuttered.

You coughed reminding the brothers you aren't well.

"Kill us later will ya?" Lilith and Azazel then ran to you.

"You're lucky that it's not the others..." Lilith and Azazel then cut their palms and dropped their blood on your mouth. But it only made it worse.

"Y/N! What the hell did you do?!"

"W-what?" Lilith looked at everything with disbelief. "It's not demons..."

"Angels..." Azazel then grabbed Dean's collar. "An angel did this?! It was a part of heaven and hell agreement not to touch her!!! Which angel did it?!"

"This is beyond us... Good luck... You're lucky if Balthazar or Castiel came... "

"Castiel vanished... When a light came..."

"The sigil... You know what... hope you get Balthazar. Good luck surviving Raphael or Michael... If it wasn't them who came... it was nice knowing you." Lilith glared.

"I can't leave..." Azazel's eyes widened. "I've been temporarily revived... If I leave I'll die again... God fucking damnit Theddeus!!"

"Azazel... I'm sorry but I have to." The brothers expected to see Lilith smoke out, but she didn't.

"Call for help fast! Go!" Azazel encouraged.

"Y/N, needs help!!!" Sam panicked. " Leave later... Please."

"I-I can't leave as well..." Lilith mumbled.

"We need one of her angels' blood. Call them out. The two hiding."


"The two from the other room.."

"Ho-- Anna, Ruby!" Dean yelled. They hesitantly went outside.

"No one can leave their vessel right now..." Ruby stuttered.

Anna then was sent flying across the room. "Did you fucking realize you you just did?" Azazel cursed. "Thanks to you... The whole fuckin world is in danger."

Thunder roared outside the room. Your only source of light suddenly vanished.

"Well shit..." Dean gulped.

Sam pulled you closer as you cough harder.

Once again the door swung open. Revealing another man.

"I-I don't understand why am I here at this form... I thought they got rid of these ves--- Lilith and Azazel... So it's an emergency? They couldn't call Castiel?"

"Oh so my partner did came?!" Azazel gasped.

"So he's your partner... I got Alistair."

"Azazel... Weren't you killed by the Winchester boy over there?" The man points at Dean who's looking at his weirdly.

"Well yeah but... I don't really know what but... She needs yours. It's your sigil."

"Right... Then why'd they summon you two if it's our kinda thing?"

The man walked towards you and fed you his blood.

"I woke up in this body, I was busy doing something. Well... This is a way to ruin stuffs. Hey at least, of all the choices that could have been called I was the one that came! Not Lucifer... Or worse."

"Wait... Worse than Lucifer?" Dean's eyebrows furrowed.

"Well sort of."

You coughed once again but not because you're weakening. This time to wake up. As soon as you do the three vanished.

"Y/N, are you OK?" Sam creased your cheek when you opened your eyes slightly, obviously worried about you.

"Don't kiss me I'm covered in blood." You smirked.

"Thank Go--- uh I'm glad you're OK." Ruby smiled.

"Suck my penis. I don't care what you feel bitch." You sat up and went to Dean for a hug.

"Yep... I'm covered in blood." Dean groaned.

Ruby ran to help Anna up as the brother check on you. As soon as they did, you went to check up the room.

"Anna, what the fuck is this?" Sam growled.

"Oh! It's the angel go away sigil!!!" You fangirled.

Sam held your hand tight. "If it's for angels... How come you were affected?"

"Because I'm your angel~" You winked. You expecting Sam to sign in defeat, blushed when you saw him smirking at you.

"Oh shit Sammy's warming up to Y/N!"

"Hell yeah! Fuck you Ruby! Samsterrrr!" You jumped on his arms, snuggling on his neck.

"Shut up." He turned his head and frowned, and dropped you down slowly.

"Fuck he's a Tsundere." You swooned.


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