💖Chapter 11💖

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-Author's POV-

You were just in front of the bar where you'll meet the Winchesters.

"Sup bitches!" You sang when you entered.

"Keep the money." You heard Sam. He then pushed through the crowed ignoring you.

"Keep the money? Sam, wh-- oh shit... Hello Y/N... You fine now? Bobby called us..."

You then saw Sam and Ruby together. You sighed and turned to the pool and took Sam's money.

"Hey princess, I won that."

"Suck dick. I'm playing for him. And I'm not Dean, stop calling me fucking princess."

"Y/N, I'm right here."

"I know princess. Anyways, I'll add a..." You search you pockets. "Damn Bobby's poor as fuck."

"That's Bobby's... Of course." Dean sighed. "Win Sam's money back." He then slid five hundred to you.

"I'll bet thousand... For all of your money..."

"Well isn't that fair." The man said sarcastically.

"Hey princess check out Samster. Make sure he ain't cheating on me." Dean ignoring his new nickname went to Sam and Ruby. "As for you... I'll give you... Uh my phone along with the money and anything I have in possession right now."

"Even your clothes?" The guy smirked.

"Why the fuck not. I'm getting all your possession as well if I fucking win."

He then threw a cue stick at you.

"You go first."

You went to position and sweat dropped.

I have no fucking idea what are the rules...

Well at least you practiced during your time with Bobby. Ya know while you were asleep the Winchesters took you and left you at Bobby's and didn't return so fuck them. Bobby also didn't let you leave. Giving you time to practice... You psychic powers... Or something.

I have to shoot these balls into deyum holes. All I fucking know.

You then hit the ball with you stick. Of course it didn't work. So you used your psychic shit and moved the ball with your mind to shoot the others. After shooting all the ball you looked at the guy.

"Uh... I totally won right? I totally didn't cheat and won fair and square." Everyone watching had their mouth open shocked by the fuck you did. "I-I don't need you to fucking strip. I just want your shirt and all your money... I guess..."

His friend who was videoing it finally snapped out and stopped the video. He stripped his friends including himself and brought out all the money their group had, then placed it on your foot.

"Y/N!!" Sam jumped on you making you shrieked.

"What the fuck..." Dean asked when he entered seeing everyone in the bar half naked and their top on your foot... Also a lot of money.

"I-I just played pool... What the fuck... This is not a good reaction... I'm going now... This is an impossible reaction."

"What did you do?" The brothers sighed.

"I played pool..."

The guy with a video showed it to Dean. He sighed.

"That's not fair Y/N."

"Technically it is. There wasn't any rule about not using your... skills..."

"Why are they half naked?"

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