BOOK 2? Maybe?

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OKAY! Let's do this! Let's make a deal okay?

To unlock the second book of Kiss Stealer..

My friend's story needs to get 300-500 reads. please? Do any of you remember Erika? The 1st fallen angel? :) You see.. she's also a beginner like me :) So please.. I'm doing this for my friend. And I'm doing this voluntarily. I'm not doing this for me okay? I'm not THAT selfish. I'm only selfish when it comes to food :)

Want Kiss Stealer Book 2? CLICK AND READ THIS LINK RIGHT NOOOOW ------------------->

And besides, I have a role there ;) PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! This is just a small favor. Promise! Once it reaches to 300-500 reads I'll post the Book 2 of Kiss Stealer.

Aira x

Kiss StealerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon