Part 2

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Mr. Robinson stood after I gave him a slight nod and walked to the door. I also stood and am wringing my hands nervously.

For the second time this week, I wasn't prepared for what was about to happen in my life. The moment I saw her, she took my breath away. I wasn't prepared for the emotions that are about to hit me like a freight train.

In walks a beautiful little girl who looks so much like my sister, except for her sparkly blue eyes that look sad, lost, and scared. Her hands are tightly closed in front of her, and she looked down at her feet as she made slow and reluctant steps inside Mr. Stall's office. Miss Calvert didn't walk in with her, so Mr. Robinson shut the door.

"Greer, this is your Aunt that we've talked about, Magdalen Copella, you will be staying with her for the time being." He said.

I could feel the emotions about to escape me in the form of tears. I wanted to hug her and tell her everything will be okay, but I can't lie to this child.

I walked toward her and stuck out my hand. She reluctantly took it, but wouldn't make eye contact with me, so I kneeled down to her level.

"I am so pleased to meet you, Greer." I moved my head down until I gained eye contact with the little angel. I wasn't expecting this at all, not these emotions.

She finally looked at me, and it sent a shock through me, like a stabbing wound to my heart. There is no doubt this is my sister's child.

"We will figure this out, I promise." It's the only thing I could think to say.

Her sad eyes left my gaze and looked down at her shoes.

This can't be happening, I can't be responsible for this perfect little angel

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This can't be happening, I can't be responsible for this perfect little angel. Not me, not a woman that has considered herself a princess since birth, and has fun toying with men that fall to her feet. This can't happen to this party girl who is spoiled beyond belief. I'm selfish, but at this particular moment, my heart wants to be selfless.

"Well, I think we are all set. Her personal belongings are still at her mother's apartment, but we did pack an overnight bag and a few extras. She will need more clothes, there didn't seem to be many at your sister's home. She already had Medicaid, and we set up Social Security, but you'll need to add your name as payee, your sister was receiving state assistance. " Mr. Robinson said.

I shook my head. "There is no need for any kind of state help. I'll have that canceled right away." I said.

"I wouldn't suggest that...'

"I said it's handled, and she won't have any financial struggles from this time forward." There's no need to discuss this in front of this child, what was he thinking?

"I was just saying, in case she needs it later." He finished.

"Sir, once she and I walk out of here, we won't be needing further assistance. I am taking this child freely, and I'll make sure she is always in good hands." I'm kind of pissed he thought that was necessary to say this in front of Greer.

Mr. Stall hands me a folder with all the paperwork I need, then I signed all of the paperwork for child services, and it was time to leave and take this adventure together.

I gently placed my hand on her upper back and led her to reception to grab her bags. Miss Calvert gave me the keys and address for my sister's apartment, and we finally left.

The sweet little girl didn't say a word, but then again neither did I, to be honest. What am I supposed to say? Welcome to my crazy life?

I finally reached down and took her hand in mine, but didn't say a word. It didn't take long to catch a taxi, and we took it to my grandmother's home. I was assured that Greer does not know what took place in this home, but it still doesn't feel right. On the other hand, what am I to do? Take her to a hotel?

I was told by Mr. Stall that I have two weeks to have Diara's apartment emptied, so that's not an option.

The cab pulls up to my grandmother's estate, and we exited the car after I paid his fare along with a nice tip. I held her hand as we stood outside glaring at the massive building before us. The stone walls were almost covered in Ivy, and the once beautiful fountain, has fallen to disrepair. There are no longer colorful flowers gracing the landscape and gardens.

"Well, I guess we need to hire a few people." I took a deep breath, then looked down at Greer. I can see the massive building looks intimidating. I felt like that about this place too when I was a child.

"Let's go check out the house. You can have any bedroom you want, except for my grandmother's bedroom." That's the room they died in a few days ago, and she doesn't need that information. Maybe I'll have that room somehow destroyed.

She looked up at me with those innocent and scared eyes, my heart melted. I knelt down and had her look at me. "I'm not sure how this all works Greer, but your mom was my favorite person in the whole wide world, and that makes you my new favorite person. We are in this together, okay?" I asked, and she just looked away and at the house again.

Clara Ann opened the door, so we started walking closer, hand in hand, and finally entered the dark cold mansion. It's not cold in the sense of weather, but in the sense of the feeling you get in this place.

"Greer, this is Clara Ann, and she was my grandmother's friend and companion for many years. Clara Ann, this is Greer, my niece." I introduced them.

"It is so nice to meet you, young lady. You look so much like your mother." Clara Ann said.

Greer just looked up at me, and I flashed her a smile to let her know she's okay.

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