Part 41

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Asher went ahead down to his room to get changed and plans to meet me in the lobby with Greer in a few hours. I'm actually nervous to see her since she was so upset the last time I saw her.

It won't be as hard to say goodbye to them this time, since I know I'll go home to them in a month.

Asher told me to dress up a bit today for a surprise he has in store for me. He asked for a few hours, and I'm not sure what could be better than what he's already given me, but its fine because I have to deal with Adam.

I slipped on my heels and grabbed my purse before walking out to the elevator. Adam will not be happy, but it's my life, and I choose family over modeling.

I was nervous as the elevator climbed up to the top floor. I'm renting the penthouse suite at the next hotel. This is bullshit, Adam really thinks he's a princess.

When I arrived, he had breakfast sat out, and he was nervously rushing around to make sure I was comfortable. I realize this contract is detrimental to his career, but I'm about to make him an offer he can't refuse.

"Here's the contract, we can go over it together if you would like."

I set it down. "I'm not here to sign a contract, Adam. I'm getting older now and my priorities have changed, but I am here to talk business."

His face turned pale. "Adam, just listen. I'm not going to leave you with nothing. I actually want to buy into Prestige. How does a 125 million dollar investment sound? I'll still do some more formal shoots back home, but I don't want to travel for work anymore. The shoots will be tasteful and not show so much skin. I'll let you stay on as President, but you'll just have more funds to sign bigger names."

"You are the biggest name."

"I'll be an owner with you, Adam. You'll still have my name."

He sat back and thought about it. "I can have the attorneys draft up a contract. If we can come to an agreement, I'll sign."

"Thank you!" I hopped up and hugged him.

"I'm going home after Argentina. I'm never leaving my family again."

He pulled back. "Wasn't that man Asher Bianchi last night? Is that what brought this on today?"

"Adam, I'm so happy. I get not only Greer, but the man of my dreams too. I have a family now, and I'll never take that for granted again."

He hugged me again. "That man is a fine piece of ass. Take care of him."

I laughed. "You have no idea."

"You almost look like a new person." He chuckled.

"I am, but this change happened weeks ago. I learned what life is really about, and I'll always appreciate what I have with them."

"I love ya Mags, and I'm so glad you found your happiness." He kissed my cheek and said goodbye.

My heart raced when I stepped on to the elevator. I couldn't wait to see my little princess, and I hope she's not angry at me.

When the elevator stopped and the doors opened, I took a deep breath to calm myself.

I stepped off, and it wasn't a second later I heard the sweetest voice. "Aunt Maggie!"

She almost knocked me over, but Asher caught me just before I bent down and hugged on to my sweet princess. She spread her warmth back into my heart. "I missed you so bad, but me and daddy are taking you home. To our real home without the mean lady."


Asher shook his head. "She wasn't mean, Greer. She wasn't Maggie."

She folded her arms. "She made me sit in time out for touching her lipstick. I'm not 4 ya know!"

I laughed. "No, you're not four, Greer. I love you so much!"

"I love you too! Daddy said we are going for a family dinner."

I smiled and stood up to face him. "Is that right?" He had a big smile on his face.

"Yes, but first we have an appointment." He pulled me into his arms and whispered. "Will you marry me?"

I pulled back and looked into his eyes. "Are you serious?"



"In about an hour."

"What?" I wanted to laugh, but I think he's serious.

"Victoria and Amanda are packing your bags now. I have a friend at the Embassy, and we can be married on American soil. I've rented a Penthouse so we can be together..."

"I'm staying the night with Aunt Vicky! We're playing dress up." Greer jumped in with a huge smile.

I nodded at her, then looked at Asher. "Are you sure?"

"I've never been so sure about anything." He answered.

"We can be a real family, Aunt Maggie."

My heart was racing, and I almost couldn't speak.

I nodded yes. "Is that a yes?" Asher asked with excitement.

"Yes, that's a yes!"

He picked me up and swung me around. "I love you."

"I love you too." I wiped away a tear.

Exactly one hour later, I stood next to Victoria, Greer, and Amanda, while I made the biggest commitment of my life. I became Mrs. Asher Bianchi.

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