Part 40

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She laid facing me, and I couldn't stop touching her silky skin. Her eyes looked heavy, and she blinked to fight the sleep that's trying to take her over.

"I'm afraid you won't be here when I wake up." She said in a groggy whisper.

"Just relax, Greer has her own room with her nanny. I'm here for the night." I assured her.

"I want to see her."

"You'll see her in the morning, so just relax." I had to give her one last kiss, so I pulled her in close and gave her a peck on the lips. Her head nuzzled into my neck, and I gently stroked her back with my fingertips.

Her breathing changed, and it was obvious that she gave in to her exhaustion.

"My angel," I whispered before I kissed her head and fell asleep.

I realized I'd been scratching my nose and I heard a giggle, then I realized what was happening and my eyes open. It's real, yesterday did happen and Maggie is in my arms.

"Having fun?" I asked, and she laughed.

"You slept with a smile on your face." She laughed.

"Of course I did, have you forgotten last night already?" I looked down at her, and she's adorable with bed head.

"Of course not, so what now?" She drew circles on my chest.

"I can think of a few things." I ran my fingers up and down the soft skin of her back.

"When can I see Greer?"

"Anytime you want, she's just as much yours as she is mine. We're a family."

I heard a small sniffle. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Walking away that day killed me. I can't even describe how badly that hurt, and I don't ever want to do it again."

"You never have to, Maggie. Never again, and I don't ever want you to cry over us again."

She paused, and there was a moment of silence. "When are you leaving?"

"I have to be back at work by Monday, but we can stay if you want," I said.

"I have commitments for a few more shots. They're the last contracts I signed."

"What type of shots?"

"One's bridal, then a formal, and Argentina is swimsuit, why?"

I flipped us over and got on top of her. "I don't want to share your body with other men. Can you promise no lingerie? Your body is for my eyes only." I kissed her neck waiting for that stubbornness that both pisses me off, but excites me.

"I'm retiring after Argentina, and I'm hoping by the time I return, you'll have the both of you moved into the mansion?"

What? Retiring?

"You're giving up your career?" I'm in shock.

"The way you look at me, Asher. I want all of you, and I want to give you all of me. I only want you to look at me."

My heart did flips, and she has no idea what she just gave me.

"God, I love you."

"Show me." She teased.

"Fine," I hopped up out of bed and picked her up. "What are you doing?" She laughed.

"What do you think?"

I set her down and turned on the shower. I stepped in and pulled her with me.

I lathered the soap up in my hands. This is the perfect way to study every single inch of God's perfection.

I started with her feet, and worked my way up her toned and long legs. She even moaned as my hands got to feel her wet silky skin.

I flipped her around, and damn, that ass is literally a work of art. I've never seen a creature so beautiful.

I bent her over slightly, and while on my knees, tasted her most sensitive place. She gasped when I sank a finger inside her. Jesus Christ, I'll never get tired of hearing her moans.

Her thighs shook and her hand smacked against the wall. I need to see her face and look into those beautiful eyes.

I stood and flipped her back around. I needed her lips, her hands to roam my body, and to give her the pleasure she was deprived of for so many years.

Her kisses are now what I live for, and it would be so easy to lose control with this woman, but I'm not like that dead piece of shit that didn't respect this woman. Her mind and body drive me insane.

I pressed my body against hers and her back pressed against the wall. My hand traveled down to her leg and I lifted it to wrap around me. "I need inside you," I whispered out as I kissed her neck.


Oh my God, she begged. I reached behind her and lined myself up, before pushing myself into her heaven.

I've never in my life felt anything so right and warm. I breathed out. "Jesus, you're perfect."

She winced, but only for a second, then looked at me with a fire in her eyes, and that alone was enough to make me cum, but I fought it and took a deep breath.

Slowly I trusted and she whimpered against my lips. The noises that escape her lips are heavenly, unlike so many women who are simply annoying when they overact during sex. Maggie is genuine, and there's no mistaking her pleasure. Her orgasms are intense and sent from above. I never knew a woman could tighten so much.

I reached down and lifted her other leg around me, giving me the ability to literally pound into her with everything I have to give.

It's happening, and Christ, I have no idea how to hang in there as she cries out my name. Her body contracts, and even I cried out as she is so intense, so perfect. Her orgasm is beautiful to watch, and the fact that I can feel it drives me closer to my own.

"I love you!" She cries out and squeezes her eyes shut.

"Look at me, Maggie."

Oh, shit that look in her eyes just did it, I'm spilling inside her, and I didn't know my own body could react so intensely. I groaned and buried my head in her neck. My jaw drops, and I fight to breathe through this one.

"Ahhh, God!" I moved my head and slammed my lips against hers, as I gave her every ounce of my pleasure.

Nothing in my life has been so right. I'm going to marry this girl before I leave France. There is no way in hell I'm leaving without putting a ring on her finger. She's mine, and I will claim her. Fuck Renegade, I'm not leaving yet.

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