Part 47

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Once again in my life, nothing could have prepared me for this moment. My wife squeezed my hand as she screamed in agony. "You can do this, Maggie!"

I know she can, but I'm not sure about myself. Thankfully my mother instantly fell in love with both my girls, and over these past months has grown close to Greer. She has Greer with her now in the waiting room.

"Do you want to watch, dad? One last push and he will be out." The doctor asked, but I shook my head no. I'm already about to either puke or pass out.

"It's okay if you want to watch, Asher," Maggie assured me with a funny grin.

"No, my attention is on you right now."

"Okay, here comes the last contraction. Your little boy will be here soon since his head is out. Push Maggie." The doctor said. My wife squeezed my hand so hard, I thought it would break.

"Here he is, congratulations, it's a boy."

She laid a tiny little human on my wife's chest, and we both started crying. The nurse wiped him off and he started screaming. I kissed her. "He's perfect."

The doctor had me cut the cord, but I didn't want to take my eyes off my son.

"Holy shit, he looks like you, Maggie," I said, and she kissed his head. "I didn't know it would feel like this, Asher. I love him."

"I do too." I kissed her head.

They put a beanie on his head, before they picked him up and started doing measurements. I followed and kept a watchful eye on him.

"Blake Asher Bianchi," I told the nurse the name we chose, and she kept wiping him off. The doctor was still working on my wife, and I was torn between my wife and son.

"Stay with him," Maggie said, so I stayed and watched. The nurse put the tiniest diaper on him and wrapped him up tightly in a blanket. "You've got a healthy son, Mr. Bianchi."

She laid him in my arms, and it was such a magical moment. I had to sit down and just stare at him.

"Maggie, thank you so much. We have the perfect family, but I want more of them." Everyone in the room laughed.

"Well, let her heal up first." The doctor said.

I can't believe our life. Our love is summed up in one tiny person, and life couldn't get better.

  Our love is summed up in one tiny person, and life couldn't get better

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He Killed Her Slowly (A Completed Steamy, Romance)Where stories live. Discover now