Part 25

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I zipped up my bags, and Matthew was in the hall, so he carried them down for me.

"I'm sorry about yesterday, Matthew. I wasn't in my right mind."

He smiled at me. "I've still got time to win you over."

"Aunt Maggie! Elle said we're all going on a trip!" Greer came running up to me.

"We are, and I've got your bags packed."

I looked up, and the Daltons were walking with Asher toward us. "Are you ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be I guess. Where's Justin?"

"He's talking with the other men."Grant said.

"Is he coming? I know he wanted to stay, but that's not a good idea."

"He's staying, and I'm coming with you. Dario will be leading everything back here." Grant said.

"Boss! Our agents at the gate aren't answering!" One of the agents said.

"Dammit, they're here! Sena, take the girls downstairs. Francesca go with them and grab whoever else you can. Dario get that damn chopper here now!"


"Go, Sena! Now!"

"Asher!" Francesca was pulling him away.

"Get Greer out if here!" Asher said as he ran away.

Matthew and Francesca, along with a few other agents, rushed us to the basement. "When the chopper lands, we are using the basement exit, so I hope to God they don't access it."

"Aunt Maggie! I'm scared!"

"We will be fine, Greer." Sena tries to help me calm her, and that's when we heard the first gunshot.

My heart is racing so fast, I can barely breathe. My hands are shaking, and I can barely process a single thought. Asher is up there, he's not a soldier, he's a businessman.

"Someone is coming." Francesca and Matthew took guard, but I could hear a helicopter.

Grant appears. "Come on baby girl." He picked Greer up. "Francesca go with the other agents and make sure our exit is clear, then cover us. The chopper is landing."

"What about Asher?" I cried. "And Justin?"

"Justin double-crossed you, and Asher can take care of himself. He was brought up in this life. Let's go!"

We ran as fast as we could. Grant held Greer tightly in his arms as we ran toward the chopper.


Nobody listened.

"Where's Elle?"

Grant handed Greer to some agent inside the chopper, then lifted his wife up, then me.

The chopper took off before Grant was all the way in, but he managed it, and Sena jumped into his arms while Greer jumped into mine.

"What about Elle?"

"I'm sorry, she was lost in the shuffle." Grant seems pissed.

"I promised you this would never happen again!" He held Sena close while she cried.

I looked down at the war zone that was once my home. I can see the flashes of lights coming from the guns.

"My daddy?" Greer cried.

"He will be okay." I tried to comfort her the best I could.

After an hour, we landed and were put on a small jet. We were met there by two small children that are close in age. Grant and Sena held on to them tightly.

I held Greer's shaking body.

"That was the bad man, and now he's hurting Asher too." She cried.

"Asher is trying to stop the bad man. He'll be okay." It's hard to comfort her, when I'm crying myself.

The mansion is most likely destroyed, and Greer is most likely without a father.

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