Part 43

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Our wedding night was amazing! He made love to me all night and the next morning. I can't get enough of my husband. I'm afraid he's creating a monster out of a woman who was sexually depressed for years.

"You do realize Greer is going to be a diva by the time we pick her up? Victoria will be teaching her things like how to manipulate." I laughed at his facial expression.

"She already learned that, you know she almost had me talked into buying a horse?"

She laughed. "What would you do with a horse?"

"Good question." He responded.

"She should have asked for the whole farm. I guess we have work to do." I laughed while he shook his head.

"Don't you dare."

"What?" I asked innocently.

"You know what...spoil that child."

"You do that just fine on your own." I laughed at him.

He walked over and put his arms around me. "I'd stay if she didn't need to get back to school."

"I know, but you're leaving me as a married woman now."

"My wife, that sounds so perfect to say."

"Okay husband, we have to video chat every single day, and I'll rush through Argentina and get home as fast as possible."

"You better. I wish she had a school holiday. She just missed so much last month."

"I know, but I'll be home as soon as possible."

We got ready and picked up Greer. We only had a few hours before their flight, and he has issues to attend to at home. He still has to tell his mother about Greer. She's been out of the country. He has to get moved and deal with Josie. I can't believe she had a chance to help my sister, but didn't out of fear.

We spent the next few hours taking in some sites before I took them to the airport. They're taking a private jet home, which is easier for Greer.

I took a flight out to Morocco the next day. We are separated by so many miles, and my suite is too quiet and lonely. Victoria is staying in my suite, and we've watched movies, drank wine, and shopped. Surprisingly enough, we always end up shopping for my little angel. Victoria has also been bitten by the Greer bug it seems. She's already planning a trip to New York for Greer's birthday.

When I showed up at the shoot, everyone clapped and congratulated me on our marriage. It's been a whirlwind of emotions.

Nobody back home is aware of our nuptials. They may be aware Asher's relationship with Josie came to a screaming halt of epic proportions, and they may know he has a new romance, but he wants to hold off on any announcements until his mother knows of Greer's existence.

If I were home, it would be a different story, and by the way things are going, I may make it home before his mother.

Like me, Asher lost his father at a young age, and his mother is remarried to her high school sweetheart. He explained that she also had humble beginnings. My mother was raised with money, but my father was not. They were nearly shunned when they ran away together. I guess I understand better, now that I learned my dad had a first marriage and a child with my mom's half-sister. Maybe I'm more like my mother than I ever knew.

When Asher told me about Josie's behavior six months ago, I was so angry, but I've thought about it, and tried to understand. She was a shitty friend and girlfriend for what she did, but she acted out of fear. She knew how much Asher loved Diara, so her fear is relatable. I would die for the man, but I would sacrifice my own happiness for him and Greer.

Just the thought of making love to Asher sends chills up my spine. The wait is killing me.

A few weeks went by, and our daily video chats aren't enough. I need to be home, I ache for my family. I finished in Morocco, and flew into Argentina with two weeks left.

I'm growing impatient, irritable, and frustrated. I told them no skimpy bathing suits, and they send me a thong.

"This won't do, I have stated over and over again to cover me as much as possible. Send me another one like this, and you can find yourself a new model. I do not have a formal contract."

"Yes, ma'am."

I finally settled on one, and we finished the days shoot.

I sent the proof I was given to my husband, and he hesitantly approved

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I sent the proof I was given to my husband, and he hesitantly approved. A few nights a week we video chat after Greer goes to bed, and I've never craved a man like I do Asher.

The tried the video sex thing, but I'm too bashful and couldn't stop laughing. I don't think Asher cared, he doesn't see me as a sex object, but wanted to see me satisfied. Nothing could ever satisfy me the way he does, it's love that I needed.

Every single day is a struggle, and I'm doing everything possible to hurry this shoot up. I've demanded longer days, not so many days off, and tomorrow it's supposed to storm, so I talked them into either shooting somewhere else here in Argentina, or to shoot me indoors. Let's hope they put something together.

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