Part 38

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Adam was unusually quiet during the drive to the hotel. I'm not always sure with Adam where I stand. One moment he's kind, gentle, and happy ,and the next he's awkward and quiet. Thankfully the ladder isn't his usual demeanor.

He helped me out of the car, and we strolled awkwardly through the lobby.

"What exactly is it you have planned tonight, Adam?"

"I believe we have some unfinished business, don't we?"

I just smiled knowing exactly what he wanted. I haven't exactly decided what I have to offer at this point. My heart is pulling me in one direction, and my brain is saying this is exactly what I need.

He seems nervous which is funny. He's such a hardcore businessman, but he's different when it's just us. He's nervous I won't give him what he wants, and he's told me before I'm too stubborn for my line of work.

We arrived at his room and he ordered room service first, then poured me a glass of red wine.

"Why do you always get the penthouse suite? It's really not fair." I asked as he handed me my wine.

"I have meetings in my rooms when we travel, but you've seen both my apartments in L.A. and New York. They're not nearly so extravagant."

He asked me to grab the wine, then motioned me to follow him to the sitting area. As soon as he said it, it happened.

"Watch that step."


I was on the ground with red wine all over me. "Maggie! My God, where are you bleeding?"

I looked down and saw blood, then felt the sting on my hand. "Dammit!"

He knelt down and examined it. "I'll be right back."

He came back with some towels and a first aid kit. He examined my hand while I wiped the wine off my face and dress.

"You even managed to rip your dress. Let me fix you up here, and I'll find you something to wear."

He used the tweezers and pulled out a tiny piece of glass, and then wrapped up my hand.

"Let me help you up, then you can follow me to my room."

I did as he said, and he gave me a white button up to throw on. "Thanks"

He crossed his arms and stood in the doorway while I changed. "Maybe wardrobe could fix the dress." He said, but I shook my head.

"It's stained too. There's no sense in keeping it." I rolled it up and threw it in the trash just as there was a knock on the door.

Room service came in, and Adam had them clean up my mess of glass and red wine, but thankfully it was a tiled floor.

We started to eat, but I lost my appetite when he casually brought up the topic of my contract.

"Can we discuss this tomorrow? It's been a long day, and my mind isn't on business tonight."

"You're not going to stay? We can watch a movie."

"If you don't mind, I'm hoping for an early night." He was disappointed, but we finished our meal with the same awkwardness hanging over us.

"I better walk you to your room. Who knows who you could meet on the elevator." He offered.

"Thanks, I appreciate it."

I grabbed my shoes and purse, and he walked with me to the elevator.

"Does it hurt?" He asked, and I looked down at my wrapped up hand. It doesn't hurt nearly as much as my broken heart.

"It's fine, I can barely feel it. Thanks for taking care of me."

He nodded, and we stepped out of the elevator and he walked me to my room.

"Would you mind holding my shoes while I look for my key?"


I dug through my purse. "I know it's in here." I kept digging, and I heard the elevator ding, but didn't pay much attention.

"Found it! It was in the zipper part."

"Why do you women need so much stuff anyway? I'm waiting for you to pull out a puppy or a small person." He laughed at me.

I looked up at him to laugh, but I gasped.


He stood there in his suit holding a bouquet of roses, and a look of devastation on his face.

"Asher, what are you doing here?"

"I can see you're busy. I'll be going."

"No! I mean, this is Adam and he was just walking me to my door. Don't go."

He looked at Adam, then back at me, and he looks pissed. What is his deal, and why is he in Paris.

"Are you okay Magdalen?" Adam asked.

"I'm fine, I'm sure I'll see you tomorrow. Thanks again."

"Remember, we have unfinished business." He hugged me, then went to the elevator, but not before Asher stared him down.

"It's obvious I interrupted."

"You didn't interrupt anything, but I am curious why you're in Paris. Where's Greer?"

"In her room with her new nanny."

I finally got my key card to work. "Did you want to come in?"

I walked inside and held the door open, but he stood just outside. "You've already found a man to occupy your time. I guess that means you're doing okay."

"Please come in, and we can talk inside," I said.

"I'm not sure that would be appropriate." He looked me up and down.

I smirked and crossed my arms. "Why exactly is it inappropriate?"

"Well, you're with someone."

I wanted to bust out laughing. "Who am I with?"

He stood awkwardly.

"What do you mean, who? You're standing in a hotel hallway in his shirt, halfway naked by the way, and laughing with him outside your door. It's so obvious he's a player, and dammit Maggie, you're so much better than this."

I laughed so hard it hurt. "You're right, he is a player, but I'm not his type."

"Oh come on, Maggie. You know you're every man's type."

"I am if it means a business agreement, but as far as sex, you're more his type."

He gave me a really shitty look.

"Are you coming in or not? I'm sticky, and need a shower otherwise."

Again, he gave me a disgusted look. I raised my injured hand. "That's my manager, and he's sweet talking me into signing my contract. We were having a meeting, and I fell with a wine bottle and cut my hand. He gave me his shirt because my dress is torn and soaking wet."

He smiled then stepped inside, but I was surprised he stepped so close to me. I let the door shut behind him. "Why are you here, Asher?"

"To apologize for making the biggest mistake of my life." He tossed the flowers onto a chair, then stepped closer and cupped my face.

"We came to bring you home."

I shut my eyes to his touch. "We've discussed this already."

He pulled me into him. "No, we discussed Greer, but we didn't discuss this."

He leaned in and his lips brushed against mine.

"What's this?" I breathed out in a whisper.

"The fact that I'm so fucking in love with you that I can't eat or sleep. Watching you get into that car and leave almost killed me, and I'm selfish, Maggie. I dont want you for Greer. I want you for myself."

His lips quickly pressed against mine, and delivered a kiss that woke something up in me. A passion I thought only existed in the movies.

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