Part 45

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He pulled me into his arms, burying his face into my neck, his grip was so tight. "Please tell me this isn't a dream. Maggie, I'd be so damn happy."

"It's not a dream. I know it's hard to absorb."

He kissed my head, and I pulled back to see he had tears in his eyes. He cupped my face. "Thank you." He looked into my eyes. "There's nothing more in this life, than being with you and making a family. I want this baby."

I wiped the tear from his eye. "I still can't believe there's life inside me."

"I'm so glad there is, Maggie. Should you see a doctor?"

"I already confirmed it with a doctor in Argentina."

"You'll need to see someone here, soon. Dammit, Maggie, you couldn't have made me happier. Are you okay?"

"At first I was scared, but I'm so happy." I started to cry, but he held me tightly.

"I'm about to show you just how happy I am." He whispered in my ear, and my body shivered.

He kissed me as we tore off each other's clothes. We fell into the bed, and he climbed on top of me. His hand roamed down my body as we kissed, until it made it to the perfect spot between us. I felt his finger sink inside me and I swallowed hard.

"You're so ready." He whispered, just before his hand left me and grabbed on to mine. Our fingers entwined as he pushed himself inside me. His grip tightened on my hand, and we both drew in sharp breaths.

I lifted my head and buried my face in his neck. "God, you feel good." He kissed the side of my head before he pulled back and pushed into me again.

"I missed you." I breathed out as he continued to make love to me. His hand left mine and roamed down to my hip and he held it down as his thrusts became more intense. I am so lost in this man.

He pulled away and flipped me over. His strong arms pulled my hips up as he pushed into me from behind. His hands squeezed my ass as he drove inside me. It was overwhelming.

He paused and I looked back at him. His eyes were closed.

"What's wrong?"

He drew a deep breath. "I'm overwhelmed and I want this to last."He opened his eyes and looked at me, just before he pulled me up and he held me from behind. His hand traveled to my stomach.

"A part of me is growing inside you. I never knew you could ever be more sexy, and I love you so much." He kissed my neck as he started moving his hips.

My jaw dropped when he moved his hand down lower, and his fingers massaged between my legs.

"Don't stop," I begged him as that familiar tingle started in my toes.

He whimpered against my neck as I started to orgasm.

"Fuck! It's happening isn't it?" He asked between heavy breaths.


"Holy shit! Maggie, you're an angel." I softly cried out his name, and praised God for him.

"I can't lose control with you, Maggie."

"Do it!" I cried out.

He moved his hands from around me and held on to my arms as I leaned forward. He pounded into me harder, and I cried out as I once again released. My arms are behind me and he holds them with restraint.

When I came down, he had me lay on my side as he quickly thrusted inside me from behind.

"Ahh, you're perfect!" He grunted as I felt his body become stiff, and he exploded inside me. He breathed hard and moved so quickly as his warmth spread through me.

We relaxed, and he laid there and held me. "I won't let go of you tonight." He whispered as he spooned me and tried to control his breaths.

"I don't want you to, Asher."

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