Part 28

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It's been two days, and I've not heard from my girls, so I decided I should go home and talk to Josie.

She will be Greer's stepmother, so she deserves to know, as she may have some decisions to make rather quickly.

I pulled up outside our house, and her car is in the driveway. I barely made it out of the car, when she came running out and jumped into my arms.

"I thought you were going to call."

"I'm sorry, things got crazy. Let's head inside, we have some things to discuss."

"Is everything okay?" She walked next to me, and I had my arm around her.

"I hope so."

I had her sit with me on the couch and took her hand.

"There's no easy way to tell you this, so I'm just going to lay it out for you. Diara's sister came to see me a while ago and said Diara committed suicide."

Her eyes started to tear up, and she covered her mouth in shock. "I should have tried harder with her, Ash."

"You were her best friend, and there was nothing you could have done."

"Was this because of Jack Calabresi? We never saw her again after that night. We should have tried to find her."

"He was controlling her, but there's a lot more you should know. Diara had a baby eight years ago. Josie, she's my daughter."

Her jaw dropped, and she couldn't even look at me. "She kept her from you?"

"Yes, but she was controlled by Calabresi. He actually kidnapped Diara when she tried to get help and shot her up with the heroine. She was so addicted, that she freely took his orders to get her next high. My daughter, Greer, was made to care for herself. She's had a terrible life, but Magdalen, Diara's sister, was called. Not only did Diara kill herself, she killed her grandmother. I actually believe it was a double suicide.

Anyways, Maggie found me, and I knew Greer was mine the moment I saw her photo. I did confirm it with DNA."

"Where have you been, Ash?"

"Let me explain. Calabresi was after Greer, so we contacted a security firm. I was held up with Greer and Maggie at Hawthorne Mansion, until Calabresi stormed it. We sent Greer and Maggie into hiding. Calabresi and his son are dead and it's over, but the girls are still in hiding. When they return, I'm establishing paternity and bringing Greer home."

She sat in shock.

"We're supposed to get married in three months. What do we do with her during our honeymoon? How are we going to balance our careers and a kid?"


"I don't care, none of that matters as much as Greer. She and Maggie are my top priority right now, so you have some decisions to make. You'll also have to accept Maggie as family."

"Maggie?" She looks so upset, and that's not what I want for her.

"If it weren't for her, I still wouldn't have known about Greer, and my daughter would have grown up in foster homes."

"I can't even..I don't know what to say or feel." She said.

"I'll let you think about it. I have to get back to the mansion in case the girls call."

"You're laying this on me then leaving?" She stood, and so did I.

"I have to, Josie. If they call and I'm not there, I don't know when I'll have a chance to talk to them again."

"Them? I can understand your daughter, but why them?"

I'm confused.


She crossed her arms and glared at me. "Tell me more about this Maggie."

"Well, she's stubborn, bitchy, selfish, and a pain in the ass, but beside that, she loves Greer. My little girl is her only family, and she gave up everything for Greer. She's motherly, fun, sometimes selfless, she likes to dance to silly music, and she's vain. Sometimes she's shy, but got a fire in her if you piss her off. She loved and admired Diara, and she's scared and alone."

She just glared at me. "Uh huh, and probably beautiful?"

"She's alright I guess."

"You're forgetting Diara was my best friend. I know her sister was a model." She wasn't happy.

"Why does that matter?"

She lifted her eyebrows. "Does she look like Diara?"

"Not at all at some times, but yes at other times, but they were half-sisters. Greer looks like Diara, but with my eyes. She has that cute smile and tiny nose that she scrunches when she laughs. She's so much like her mom."

Josie's eyes softened. "I've missed Diara for so long. I'd imagine it's hard seeing that little girl."

"That's what I was afraid of at first, but she quickly shows you her own personality, and it's easy to live with that kid."

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked.

"There was more danger in telling you than not, Josie." I lied, I have no idea why I didn't want her with me.

"When will you call or be back?"

"I'm not sure. I need to know they're safe. I also have to take my time bringing her home. She's traumatized, so I have to warm her up to the idea. She may have a difficult time adjusting to you. Please be patient."

"I've got a lot to think about, Ash."

"I know you do, and I respect that, Josie. I better go."

I slowly made my way to the door.



"I love you."

I just nodded and left.

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