Part 11

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"Aren't you in the least bit interested in meeting Greer?" She asked.

I've pondered that question quite a lot over the past few days. I'm actually dying to meet her, but I don't want to draw attention to her. Now that her Aunt has shown up at my office twice, I'm sure Calabresi is on to us.

"I've worried about Calabresi linking Greer to me, but now that you've been in my office twice now, I'm sure you've done that on your own." I said.

"Well, I didn't know, even though you had this information all along." There she goes again.

"It's not been easy to get a word in with you, Miss Copella."

I guess I got her there, she just gave me a blank stare.

"I have some work to finish up, and we have an hour before our meeting. You're welcome to hang out here and make arrangements for Greer." I said.

Like I'll be able to concentrate on anything else? She's easy on the eyes when she's quiet, it's her mouth that drives me insane, and pisses me off.

"Thank you." She said, and pulled out her phone.

Over the next hour, I heard her make arrangements for Greer, then it went downhill and uphill again.

"I would not be caught dead wearing a Gloria Blanco anything, did you even see that spring line?" She asked whoever is on the other line of her phone.

Ugh, one-sided bitching.

"I know, did you see Amanda sporting those stilettos with that Ryan Joslin dress?" She laughed.

Seriously? This is what I have to listen to today?

"Greta told me Amanda was caught by Francesca, jilling off to my Vogue cover. I took it as a compliment." She laughed.

Hello! She's got my full attention.

"If I swung that way, I sure as hell wouldn't do it with Amanda, I'm more of a Victoria girl myself." She laughs and doesn't think I can hear her from across the room.

"I love you too Vicky. I'll be home later, and don't expect any extra lovins." She giggled.

Well, hell yeah. She didn't say no lovins.

Damn, she's definitely nothing like the Diara I knew.

"I think it's time." She said, as she walked closer to my desk. I didn't accomplish one damn thing during that hour.

"They should be here any moment," I said. "I've given them some details already, so I'm hoping they have some news today."

"I guess we should hold off on anything with Greer, until this man instructs us what to do." She said.

I barely nodded yes, when my assistant buzzed and said they've arrived.

She and I both stood when the door opened. First to enter was a drop-dead gorgeous blonde, then a large man that obviously could easily kill a man, then even larger guy.

"You must be Asher Bianchi, and this is?" The first man to enter spoke.

"This is Magdalen Copella. She currently has custody of the child, she's also Diara Copella's sister." I said.

"It's nice to meet you both. My name is Grant Dalton, and this is my wife Sena, and that big guy over there is Dario. Sena is our attorney and Dario is our Chief Operating Officer." He said.

"It's nice to meet you all. Please, have a seat." I offered.

Dario thought he was smooth when he slightly nodded at Magdalen, and he and Dalton both smirked. I found it to be unprofessional. I get it, she's hot as hell, but they won't see her that way when she opens her mouth.

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