Part 36

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I stood outside his door and waited for someone to answer. I hope it's not Josie, because this is hard enough. How am I supposed to look at the woman who replaced me?

I heard footsteps, and Asher opened the door. He looked relieved, then stepped outside and shut the door.

He stared down at me and crossed his arms.

"Feeling any better?"

"Please don't start, Asher. I've got a flight to catch, and I came to say goodbye to Greer."

"I could care less if you make that flight. I don't want you to go."

"Greer is fine with you. She doesn't need me like before."

"What do you want out of this Maggie? None of this has been fair to you, and we aren't ready to say goodbye."

"I want to understand why you're making this so hard? All I want is my life back. That's all I've ever wanted."

"That's a lie. Be honest with me." He said.

"Okay fine. I don't want to miss a moment of that child's life. I want to see the two of you bond and laugh together. I want to be the one putting pigtails in her hair and play dress up, then have our little fashion show. I want to tuck her in at night and chase away the monsters under her bed. Someday I want to take her shopping for her prom dress, and help her do her hair. I want Greer, but she has a mother now. A real family."

I started to cry. "Please don't make this so hard. Will you please get Greer for me so I can go soon?"

He just stared down at me and wouldn't speak.

"Asher, please!"

Before I knew it, he had me in a hug so tight and safe.

"Please don't go." He whispered into my ear.

"I have to go." I cried.

"No, you don't, Maggie. You're running away from us. Stay, please."

"For what, Asher? Some weekends and holidays? I'm not supposed to have a life, and just sit patiently and wait between visits until she's a teenager and loses interest? I need my life back."

"Asher?" The door opens, and Asher pushes away.

"Maggie is leaving now and wants to say goodbye to Greer. Could you go get her please?" He didn't even look at the dark-haired beauty and she did as she was told."

He wiped my tears away.

"You're making a mistake, Maggie." He looked down at me.

"Maybe I'm not the one making the mistake," I said just before the door flew open.

"Aunt Maggie!"

I bent over and Greer practically mowed me over. Her arms wrapped around me.

"I missed you so bad! Are you here to take me and Daddy home?"

"No honey. You're safe with daddy, and he will give you a great home with Josie. I have to go to work in Paris now."

"You'll come back tomorrow and take us home?" She started to cry, and I wiped her tears away.

"No sweetie, I'll be very far away. It might be a while before I see you again, but I promise to call every week."

"Please don't go, Aunt Maggie. Please, I promise I'll be a good girl. I promise I'll be nice."

I pulled her in a hug. "You're always a good girl, and this isn't because of you. It's your daddy's turn now, and you'll have a great life."

"No! I want you! I don't want Josie! I want you!" I was pulling away, but she fought to hold on to me.

"I'm so sorry. I love you so much, Greer."

I tried to wiggle away from her grip because if I don't I'll never leave.

"Asher, can you help me please?"

He reached down to pry her off me, but she screamed a blood-curdling scream.

"Please! Aunt Maggie. I love you! I'll be a good girl. Please don't go!"

Asher had tears in his eyes as he's holding her in his strong arms. I turned and ran as fast as I could.

"Aunt Maggie! I hate you, daddy! I want Aunt Maggie!"

I got in and slammed my door shut before yelling at Matthew to drive.

I've never hated anyone as much as I hate myself at this moment.

I've never hated anyone as much as I hate myself at this moment

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