Chapter 2: The Golden Weapon

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The next morning,they travel to the Caves of Despair to find the Scythe of Quakes, while pushing a horse carriage with Master Wu sitting in it.

"so how were you all found by Master Wu?" Kai questioned

"I was testing my strength by rock-climbing up a mountain" Cole states

"I was in Ninjago City testing homemade wings" Jay says

"I was testing myself by breathing underwater at an ice-cold temperature" Zane said

"and Master Wu was there, drinking tea, every time" Aria said

"How were you found Aria?" Kai asked

"Wu started training me after my mother died" Aria said

"Sorry about that" Kai said sadly

"It's been 5 years so it doesn't really bother me anymore" Aria admitted

"Aria why aren't you helping pull Sensei?" Jay asked a bit annoyed

"I am helping, I'm holding his tea" Aria said trying not to laugh

"Your drinking it!" the four boys shouted together

"It's calming" Aria argued laughing a bit

Master Wu warns the Ninja not to use the Scythe upon retrieval, fearing they would not be able to handle its power. After stealing back the map that contains the locations of the Golden Weapons, they enter the cave and find the first of the weapons. Upon leaving, however, they are ambushed by Samukai and his Skeleton army.

"Yes a fight" Aria cheered

"Do you have any idea how to fight?" Kai questioned

"...a little" Aria admitted

"Seriously" The four whined, after all those years of training she sill couldn't fight

"hey, I'm 10" She defended

"good point" Cole sighed

While fighting the Skulkin, Jay got everyone's attention "Hey guys, fighting them feels like the training course back at the Monastery"

Jay started going through the motions of the training course and started doing Spinjitzu. Not long after, the other four Ninja unlock theirs as well. When they defeat the Skeletons, they are faced with the Guardian of the Scythe, the Earth Dragon.

"Ah Dragon!" Aria shouted hiding behind Jay, the ninjas all looked at Cole for an explination

"she's scared of Dragon's too" Cole explained sounding a bit scare

"must run in the family" Jay mumbled to Zane

Unable to defeat it themselves, Kai uses the Scythe, despite the warnings of his teammates and defeats the Earth Dragon. The Scythe's power made the tunnel to collapse, the Ninja barely managed to escape.

"Kai I am very disappointed, I can't believe you would put the others in danger by using the Golden Weapon after directed not to and now a member of your team is hurt" Wu said

"hurt?" Zane questioned

Wu walked over to Aria who was standing with her arms behind her back. "let me see"

"What, I'm not hurt" Aria argued

"Aria" Kai said

"I'm not" Aria repeated

Wu took one of her arms and pulled it out from behind her back. Their was a medium size scratch on her arm and it was bleeding. The other ninja gasped. Kai looked angry, at himself.

"Kai it's ok" Aria said

"No, Sensei Wu is right. I was reckless and put this team in danger" Kai said closing his eyes

Aria took his hand "Don't worry Kai mistakes happen, but a ninja never quits, so don't give up now"

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