Chapter 73: Big Trouble Little Ninjago

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Lloyd is taken to the tea shop.

Lloyd was talking in his sleep "I c—There's—He's too-He's too much. I can't—please"

"Hurry. He's burning up!" Jay shouted

"You cannot hurry tea. Only have patience to get it right" Mistaké said before turning aroundIt is ready"

"Is it going to make him better?" Cole asked

Mistaké sighed "It will heal his wounds, but..."

"But what?" Aria asked

Kai groans "There's always a but"

"It comes with a price" Mistaké said 

"Whatever it is, we will pay it" Zane said

"I will take no coin for this. I speak of a price for you and your friend. Each of you must lay your hand upon him. The tea will focus your Elemental Powers to save him. But it may use up all the power you have left" Mistaké said

"Are you telling me to save him, we could lose our power?" Jay asked

Mistaké hummed "Perhaps. Perhaps not"

"Do it" Nya said

Kai panicked "Wait! You don't just jump into decisions like this. I mean—"

"You're just worried about yourself" Cole said

"Maybe I am. But you saw how powerful Lord Garmadon was. Without our Elemental Powers, what chance do we have?" Kai asked

"What chance do you have without Lloyd?" Aria questioned "He's the leader"

"The decision needs to be unanimous. I will give up my power to save Lloyd" Zane said

"Me too" Jay agreed

"It's not even a choice" Cole said

"I will too" Nya said

"Alright" Kai agreed

"I'd do whatever I can to save Lloyd" Aria said

"your powers are not needed young Lord" Mistaké said "your powers are dark and will only hard him"

Aria took a step back from Lloyd "right"

 Everyone chooses to save him and Mistaké gives him the tea "Now we wait"

After several hours, Kai sees he still has his Fire.

"You still have your powers" Aria said

"Yeah. But is it enough?" Kai questioned

"It always is" Nya replied

"but what if it's not?" Kai asked

"Ninja never quit" Nya replied 

"But ninja don't last forever" Aria said

"Well whatever happens, we fight on" Nya said

Jay looks to Mistaké, who is humming "Ugh. What possibly could be so important that you have to do that now?"

"Just a little something-" Mistaké laughs "to go" she comes out with tea in a bag. 

"What is this, takeout?" Cole asked

"For your time of need. Remember to go" Mistaké replied

"to go" Jay nervously laughs.

Mistaké nodded "To go" The shop rumbles.

They go outside and see everyone running. 

Kai stops someone "What is it? What happened?"

"If you see it, run!" the man runs away

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