Chapter 57: Misfortune Rising

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So I'm going to be upspreeing on chapters so try not to miss any. I'd like to get through this season fast and all the important parts shouldn't take too long to write so be careful to not miss any chapters.

The Ninja split up and search for the Sky Pirates through looking for their whereabouts, but do not find any traces of them. Jay and Nya infiltrate the police, while Kai and Zane find the Destiny's Bounty 2.0 in a vehicle impound, but are chased off by the owner. They decided to go back to the old monastery. 

Elsewhere, Lloyd and Cole check Gypsy's Beach, the last known location of the Sky Pirates, but didn't find them nor any trace of them. They decided to go back to the old monastery to check up on Aria.

All the ninja arrived at the same time.

"Aria" Lloyd called out when he got there

"I don't see her" Cole said before Aria ran out of the monastery

"Lloyd, my mom and your mom were friends" Aria said quickly "they became friends with Wu and your dad and they both held us when we were born. Lloyd our friendship was made before we were even born"

"Like our lives were already set up by our mothers" Lloyd said surprised

"yes, I found a bunch of pictures in a box and one of my dresses that had blood stains on it" Aria rambled

"Ok ok calm down, breathe" Lloyd said "you're talking too fast, you're overwhelmed"

"sorry, I just don't understand why sensei has all these things" Aria said confused "Sensei or Misako has to know something about my mother's death, they were her best friends after all"

Kai whispered to Cole "should we tell them what we saw in the past with Garmadon?"

"No we should let Wu explain" Cole whispered back

"explain what, that Wu and Garmadon killed Aria's mother" Zane said out loud

"WHAT" Aria and Lloyd yelled

"Zane!" Kai and Cole shouted

"Guys" Aria said

The ninja looked at each other

"Well we should go back to looking, bye guys" Kai said before he, Jay, and Zane ran away

"Aria we'll figure this out just stay here where it's safe" Lloyd said before turning away, Aria grabbed his arm

"Lloyd stop leaving me, I'm not helpless" Aria said

"Right now you just need to calm down" Lloyd kissed her cheek "your emotions are all over the place and it'll effect your powers. The enemy we're going against will use your emotions against you. Please just stay here and be safe"

Aria gave him a kiss on the lips "be safe"

Lloyd smiled "I will" he ran off leaving Aria at the monastery


Elsewhere, Jay and Nya finish their infiltration and have lunch, where they speak to each other and Nya reveals that she knows about Jay's feelings which she tried to ignore but eventually couldn't. Nadakhan spies on the two from a distance and appears to Jay after he walks away from Nya to clean off his shirt. 

Nadakhan grants Jay a wish, where Jay wishes to not have been born in a junkyard, and that he could be wealthy so that he can give Nya anything that she wants. The mailman rides up to Jay in a bicycle and informs Jay that his father passed away, and that he inherited his wealth. 

Jay quickly rushes to the Junkyard in a fit of panic, where he believes his adoptive father, Ed has died, but Ed turns out to be alive and reveals to Jay that he was an adopted child and Edna hands Jay the key and address to his father's home.

Jay travels to his father's home, where he finds out that his father was Cliff Gordon, who played his favorite TV character, Fritz Donnegan. He reads a book in Cliff's home about how to attract girls, and is greeted by Nadakhan, who attempts to manipulate Jay into being trapped in the Sword of Souls, but fails, and Jay quickly wishes that he wasn't alone with Nadakhan. Suddenly, Nya appears at the door, and tells Jay that she found him by asking his parents. The two then go back to meet up with the Ninja. 


Kai is suddenly ambushed by Nadakhan, and is teleported to a beach, where he manipulates Kai into wishing to "go back," causing him to be teleported to Ninjago City, but decades back from the present. Kai sees a young version of his father carrying weapons, who falls and asks Kai for assistance in picking up the weapons. 

Frustrated by Nadakhan's word-twisting, Kai refuses to meddle with the past and in desperation makes another wish, where he is teleported into a reality where all of the girls are "crazy for him", and runs away from them, boarding himself up inside of a building.

However, the girls break in and proceed to drag him off, and Kai is manipulated by Nadakhan to wish "for it all to go away", and is successfully trapped inside of the Sword of Souls.

In Ninjago City, the Ninja are fighting the Sky Pirates, and Cole jumps onto Misfortune's Keep and grabs the lantern that contains the map to Tiger Widow Island, but is ambushed by Flintlocke, who fires his gun at Cole in an attempt to kill him.

The bullet travels right through Cole, since he is a ghost, and ricochets into the Realm Crystal, accidentally shattering it to pieces. Cole then runs from Flintlocke with the lantern, along with Jay.

Nadakhan returns to Flintlocke and his crew, and reveals that he has acquired Kai's soul, and the Pirates fly away from the city on their ship. The Ninja meet up and examine the map, but realize that Kai is not with them, where they suddenly hear a loud crashing noise.

Meanwhile, the owner of the impound hears his dog barking, and walks out from his shack only to see an enormous crater, where a large piece of Ninjago formerly was, Nadakhan successfully rose most of Ninjago up into the sky, turning Ninjago into a chain of floating islands.

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