Chapter 30: The Last Hope

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At the beach, Dr. Julien repairs the Falcon, while the Ninja celebrate their restored powers by shooting down coconuts. 

"What are you idiots doing!" Aria shouted "You're going to give away our position"

"you're acting like fools" Wu commented

"We're just really excited about our new powers" Kai said

"We're sorry" The ninjas said

"You may have the power to defeat the Stone Army, but the Celestial Clock is still counting down to the final battle between light and darkness" Wu said

"While we can't stop it their is a way to at least delay the battle, if the Helmet of Shadows is returned to its pedestal, the countdown might stop long enough for us to gain an advantage" Misako reveals

Risking everything, the 4 Ninja disguise themselves as Stone Warriors, and escort Misako to Lord Garmadon's camp, pretending to have captured her. While Lloyd and Aria stayed back at camp.

"What's going to happen when this is all over?" Aria asked as they sat on Lloyd's bed reading a comic

"what do you mean?" Lloyd questioned

"well isn't our purpose as ninjas over, what's left for us to do?" Aria asked qorried

"well I was hoping maybe you'd want to maybe go I don't know maybe-"

"Lloyd just tell me" Aria laughed

"Maybe you'd wanna go traveling with me, and I was hoping you'd wanna... date me?" Lloyd asked looking away embarrassed

"I'd like that greenie" Aria said smiling

Lloyd smiled at her and placed his hand over hers. "So when we travel where should we go"

"Wherever life takes us" Aria replied

"So hop on my dragon and tell him to take us anywhere" Lloyd said and Aria nodded

"They were spotted and they got the helmet" Julian said running into the room

"we're on it" Lloyd said running out with Aria following

When the Power Drill emerges in the jungle, Garmadon is quick to pursue. After a frantic chase that ends in the Power Drill being disabled momentarily, Garmadon goes for the kill, only for Lloyd to blast it with his powers. 

"Lloyd" The ninjas shouted happy to see

Lord Garmadon emerges from the wreckage, weakened and vulnerable; from the Power Drill, the Ninja encourage Lloyd to finish him off. Despite everything at stake, the Green Ninja is unable to strike the fatal blow, forcing him to jump aboard the Power Drill with Aria as the Ninja make their escape from the advancing Stone Army.

At the Celestial Clock, the Ninja meet with Master Wu and desperately look for the Helmet's pedestal with minutes to spare. The hunt is interrupted when the Stone Army arrives, but Misako retrieves the helmet when one of the clock's rotating arms knocks it from General Kozu's hand. 

The Ninja finally find the pedestal and replace the Helmet, but it's one second too late; the countdown has ended, and the final battle is upon them. As the clock fires a mighty energy flare inland. The Stone Army push back the ninja to the edge of a cliff. Lord Garmadon and the Overlord laugh.

"Aria come here" The overlord said and Aria's eyes flashed purple, she covered her eyes and held her head

"Aria" Lloyd said worried

"Come here" The Overlord commanded

Aria's eyes turned completely purple and she was teleported to the overlord.

"No!" Lloyd shouted

"Let her go" Misako said "Layla wouldn't have wanted this for her"

"Layla is dead, I am her father, she will listen to me one way or another" The Overlord said evilly

With that the Stone Army captures Nya, and the Ninja are sent down into a crevasse. Surviving the fall, the Ninja head off to prepare for the final battle, with Jay angered at Nya's capture and Lloyd ashamed of his hesitation.

"Why did Aria go with them?" Cole asked

"It doesn't make sense, Aria's been with us since the beginning, why would she leave" Kai questioned

"It was not her choice" Misako said "Aria is the Overlord's daughter, she shares his power and with that he has the power to control her"

"Aria his daughter" Jay said confused

"Her eyes were purple" Lloyd said "her normal eye color is green"

"UGH" Jay screamed in anger

"Calm down Jay" Zane said

"We will save Nya and Aria" Cole declared

"This fight isn't over yet" Lloyd said

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