Chapter 50: The Crooked Path

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At Steep Wisdom, Zane is putting up a "closed for renovations" sign, while the other Ninja are building fortifications, anticipating a ghost attack. They are interrupted when the security system goes off. The Ninja spring into action with their water balloons, only to discover it is the Postman delivering a letter.

"Good job guys" they heard Aria say from inside

"It's for safety" Kai said

Later, everyone enters the tea shop for Misako to give her presentation on how to locate the tomb. The Falcon then projects the third symbol.

"The last symbol symbolizes the tomb" Misako explained

"The tomb is guarded by three deadly tests which can only be passed using the Sword of Sanctuary" Wu says

"maybe if we used the sword on the map on the back of the Airjitzu scroll, it would reveal the tomb's location" Misako questioned

While they are busy, Ronin slips out and sneaks into one of the side buildings where he finds the sword's case, but it is empty.

"Looking for something" Ronin turns around to see Aria holding the sword

"You got me princess" Ronin said holding up his hands

"do you know what happens to servants when they steel from their master" Aria asked

"uh...death?" Ronin guessed

"exactly" Aria said pointing the sword at him

"you won't kill me" Ronin said

"How do you know that" Aria questioned

"you're too weak" Ronin replied "Just a sweet little ninja, you haven't unlocked all your powers yet and become a full powered Overlord"

Aria growled "Shut it Ronin, I will never be like my father"

"Thus I know you will never kill me" Ronin shrugged

Aria got angry "You-"

Taking advantage of her distraction, Ronin knocks her down, claiming the sword for himself. He runs outside while Aria alerts the ninja, and Ronin soon finds himself surrounded by them. However, they quickly become entangled in their ghost security system, leaving Ronin to flee into the tea shop where he finds Wu and Misako armed and waiting for him.

With the sword's reflective blade, Ronin defeats them with ease and apparently escapes in R.E.X. The Ninja board the Bounty while Wu summons his Elemental Dragon for him and Misako. They quickly catch up to R.E.X., only to find it empty.

Back at Steep Wisdom, the Ninja, Wu, and Misako debate about where Morro could be, though they are interrupted when the Falcon displays a message from Ronin, who claims the tomb is in the Caves of Despair.

"I've been there, there was no sign of a tomb" Wu noted

"But there are still unexplored parts" Misako states

"It could be a trap" Nya said

"It is worth the risk to find the tomb" Wu says

"I'm not going, i have some work to do" Aria said going into her room

The ninja leave for the caves as Aria stays behind.

The Ninja arrive at the Caves of Despair and quickly locate the third symbol; though unbeknownst to them, it was created by Ghoultar. They soon discover four lamps and believe them to be the first test, though after Kai takes one, they realize they are just regular lamps. The Ninja continue to follow the tunnel and come across a kethanol geyser near where Morro's skeleton lays.

Ghoultar then reveals himself and causes a cave in, trapping the Ninja. P.I.X.A.L. locates an opening, though the geyser prepares to go off. Cole sticks a rock into it to stop it, though Zane declares that his action has multiplied the damage tenfold. The Ninja use Airjitzu to get to the opening, and soon come across a mine cart. A wild ride through the caves ensures, ending with them defeating Ghoultar and being saved by R.E.X.

They climb into the flying vessel where they receive a message from Ronin who offers R.E.X. as an apology for stealing the sword, and gives them the real location of the tomb, before revealing this would be the last time they hear from him. The Ninja realize that the reason the tomb was never found was because it was actually located in the ocean. The Ninja take control of the vessel and fly away, as the Caves of Despair are destroyed behind them.

"Alright let's go pick up Aria then head to the tomb" Kai said

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