Chapter 6: Home

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At the Monastery of Spinjitzu, Master Wu is disturbed from his meditation by the Ninja; to his pleasant surprise, they are training instead of playing video games. Zane uses his Spinjitzu to freeze the entire training course on accident.

"Zane" the others said a bit irritated

"My apologies, I did not mean to" Zane said

Aria smiled "it's ok Zane"

"Zane's a bit weird don't you think?" Jay whisper

"Yeah" Kai and Jay agreed

"Guys" Aria growled

"Zane is your brother and like all brothers, he is different" Wu said

"Kinda like me and Cole, we're cousins, but we're different. Right sensei?" Aria asked

Wu chuckled "yes Aria"

The Mailman comes by with letters and packages for all of the Ninja, except Zane and Aria.

"why dont you guys receive any letters from your parents?" Jay asked

"I have been an orphan all my life. I never knew my family" Zane responds

"My mom died when I was 5 and my dad he um..." Aria stopped there and looked down

"the Monastery is now your home, and we are your family. You two are not alone" Master Wu tells them

Zane left sadly with Aria following him. Zane sat down inside with Aria next to him. They were more relaxed around each other then usual.

At the Monastery, as the Ninja converse among themselves about dinner, Zane walks into the dining room with a roasted turkey and places it on the table. However, the others burst into laughter when they notice that Zane is wearing a pink apron.

"What?" Zane questioned

"its that ridiculous outfit" Kai laughed

Cole tossed a plate of shrimp at Kai's face and the ninjas were in a all out food fight. Aria groaned and went into the living room to avoid them.

Later that night, when Zane goes outside to take out the trash from dinner, he finds a Falcon that mimics his every move and is persuaded to follow him. Zane returns home the next day.

"Lloyd and the Serpentine are building some kind of fortress" Zane told the ninja

"Lets go then" Aria said as the other ninja suite up

"Ok after analyzing the structure I think that if we destroy all three ropes holding up the fort, it will crash down with the Serpentine inside it" Kai said pputting his fist together

"Sounds like a plan" Aria agreed

"Alright lets go ninja" Cole said

Their plan almost succeeds, but Skales enforces his hypnotic hold over Cole, causing him to fight the Ninja and nearly bring the fort down with them on it.

"Leave it to my stupid cousin to get himself hypnotized!" Aria shouted

"Easy there princess" Kai said grabbing her shoulders

Master Wu and Nya arrive on Flame, Kai's Dragon, Wu plays the Sacred Flute that breaks Cole's spell. The ninja all made it safely out of the fortress and successfully destroyed it.

"Master what was that thing you were playing?" Aria asked

"This flute is as old as the Serpentine themselves, the flute is sacred and it will play a large role in the Serpentine's downfall" Wu explained

"Do you think you can teach me how to play it?" Aria asked excitingly

Wu chuckled "I will be happy to"

When returning to the Monastery, they find the entire building demolished and burned to a crisp, causing the Ninja to turn on Zane and blame him for destroying their home.

"That's not fair, it was an accident" Aria defended him

"Yeah well now we have no home" Cole said walking away with the others

Aria's eyes teared up and Zane put a hand on her shoulder. He smiled to her and patted her head.

"I have an idea, will you help me?" Zane asked and Aria nodded

The ninja return to apologize, but they find Zane and Aria leaving on Zane's dragon Shard. The Ninja attempt to keep their spirits up, despite their minimal shelter.

"I miss Zane and Aria" Jay said sadly

"Yeah, their's nobody else like those two" Kai said

"They're special" Cole agreed

"Aw thanks guys" they heard Aria's voice

"Zane Aria" the ninjas all said happily turning around to see the two

"We have something to show you" Zane said smiling

As they arrive in the Sea of Sand, Zane explains they were following the Falcon, which led him to Destiny's Bounty, the Ninjas' new home.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Aria asked happily

The Ninja rush over to the ship while Aria and Zane stay where they were.

"we will help you find your family" Wu promises

"You don't have to, you all are my family" Zane smiled

"I couldn't have said it any better myself" Aria smiled as well

"What about your father Aria?" Zane asked

"I don't remember my father" Aria admited "I got all I need with all of you"

That night all the ninja, Nya, and Master Wu engage in another food fight. Aria laughed at them, she looked out the window and noticed Lloyd passes by after seeing them. She quickly looked away sadly after meeting his eyes.

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