Chapter 5: Rise of the Snakes

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In the Monastery of Spinjitzu, Master Wu is interrupted from his meditation by the sound of the Ninja fighting. As the cries of battle continue, he enters the training yard only to find it deserted. Wu follows the shouting into the living room only to find them all playing video games.

"Aria go left" Kai said

"No go right" Jay argued

"No!" Cole shouted

"Haha" Aria laughed as she kicked Cole's character

Just as they are about to perform a special attack, Wu unplugs the TV.

"Sensei" they all whined

"You ninja need to start training again to prepare for my brother's return to Ninjago, ever since Lord Garmadon has escaped, you have done nothing but play video games and waste time" Wu lectured

"but peace is boring, we have no one to fight" Jay complains

"do not put off until tomorrow what can be done today, you five have not yet reached your full potential" Wu lectured

Cole uses the Scythe of Quakes to plug the TV in and the Ninja resume their game.

"Do not worry master, we will be ready when Lord Garmadon returns" Zane reassures

"But for now we got this game to finish" Aria said

Nya then ran in "guys, Lord Garmadon was spotted in Jamanakai Village"

That sent the five Ninja to a state of panic. They rush down to the pen where their dragons are kept though have great difficulty mounting due to how out of shape they are. Kai lifted Aria on top of Flame and got on behind her.

As they eventually take off, Nya question whether they will ever unlock their true potential, but Wu assures her they will in time.

As the Ninja fly towards Jamanakai Village, they reflect on what their master has just told them.

"Lets race to the village" Cole suggested

"Sounds interesting" Zane agreed

"I'm in" Jay agreed as well

"Let's do it" Kai said excitedly

"No way!" Aria shouted

"Hold on" Kai said as they picked up speed and Aria hid her face in his chest

They arrive on their dragons to stop Lord Garmadon, only to find the sighting to be a boy, who has escaped Darkley's Boarding School for Bad Boys again.

"That's Lloyd Garmadon, Lord Garmadon's son" Aria explained

"Do you know him?" Kai asked

"Yeah" Aria said sadly, which Kai noticed

Lloyd tries to terrorize the village and rob them of their candy, threatening to release the Serpentine on the villagers, but is instead he got pelted with fruit and vegetables. Aria shook her head at the sight.

The Ninja hang him on a sign, amusing the villagers before teasingly eating their paid candy in front of him.

"Next time you want candy pay for it yourself squirt" Kai teased and Lloyd growled

Kai handed Aria a lollipop and she put it in her mouth. Lloyd crossed his arms in annoyance.

"Lets go princess" Kai said picking up Aria and putting her on his shoulders

The ninja laugh at Lloyd before going back to their dragons. Lloyd and Aria's eyes met for a moment, Aria quickly looked away and Lloyd growled in frustration.

Before returning to the Monastery, Kai discovers he has accidentally taken Master's bag in the rush, and finds a scroll that tells of the prophecy of the Green Ninja. None of the Ninja are able to contain their excitement, boasting to the others that himself will become the Green Ninja.

"Boys boys boys, clearly it has to be me" Aria says

"And what makes you so certain princess?" Jay asked

"I haven't unlocked my elemental powers yet" Aria argued

"But that doesn't mean it's you" Zane said

"Let's hold a tournament to find out who is the best, and whoever wins will become the Green Ninja" Kai suggested and the others agree

Durring the tournament Kai's Sword starts an elemental fire which cannot be put out. Zane attempts to freeze the fire, Jay catches fire, Cole hits the flames with his Scythe, and Aria laughs. Master Wu arrives and uses the Shurikens of Ice to stop the fire.

"You four ninja must continue your path to unlock your potential before any of you will become the Green Ninja!" Wu lectured

"...four?" Cole asked

"What four sensei?" Zane asked

"Sensei?" Aria questions

Wu sighed "Aria you are not ready to unlock your potential, it is too dangerous"

"But Sensei, I dont understand" Aria said sadly as the rest of the ninja stood behind her

"You will in time" Wu said before walking away

Aria looked at her hands sadly, Jay put a hand on her shoulder "don't worry Aria, just give it some time"

"Jay's right, when the time comes you will be ready" Cole encouraged

"And so will we" Zane added

"We're with you all the way princess" Kai said patting her head

"Thanks guys" Aria said hughing them

"Now let's get to training" Cole said excitedly and the others agree.

A couple hours later Master Wu rushes outside "ninja hurry, the Hypnobrai are attacking Jamanakai village!"

The Ninja quickly rush to the village. The village people are under control of the people. They are able to defeat the Hypnobrai and forced them to retreat. After stealing the Hypnobrai Staff, Nya uses the anti-venom inside it to cure the villagers.

"I can't believe that just happened" Aria sighed as they sat down for dinner

"I can" Kai said

"I hate snakes" Aria shivered

"Dragons and Snakes, what else are you scared of" Jay teased

"Shut it" Aria said embarrassed and the ninjas laughed.

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