Chapter 43: The Corridor of Elders

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Chen's Anacondrai army lands in Jamanakai Village as its citizens flee in terror. The army continues onward.

"Don't stop until every village is conquered!" Chen declaired


Meanwhile, the Ninja and the other Elemental Masters are scattered all around Ninjago after chasing down the decoy trucks. Chen hacks the city's airwaves and speaks with Garmadon and his allies, unveiling that Garmadon stole Wu's letter to Misako. Wu is infuriated, though Skylor urges them not to fight. 

Neuro uses his Element to regroup the Elemental Masters in the Samurai X Cave, where they make a plan to fight Chen's followers.

"We should use the Corridor of Elders to make our final stand" Wu proposes

Everyone agrees. The Elemental Masters journey across Ninjago to rally support from its citizens. Eventually, the Ninja and their allies arrive at the Corridor and prepare for battle. Chen's army arrives and starts fighting, with the Ninja and their allies holding them back. 

In the sky, Nya, Misako, Wu and Garmadon fly Destiny's Bounty 2.0, using it to destroy the cultists' vehicles. However, Chen uses the Roto Jet to blast apart the Corridor's walls, allowing his army to start passing through. 

A dragon's roar was heard overhead. Everyone looked up to see a black dragon shooting purple flames at cultists.

 Everyone looked up to see a black dragon shooting purple flames at cultists

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Jay and Cole screamed

"now that's a scary dragon" Kai said

A figure jumped down from the dragon, Lloyd smiled and ran to her

"Aria your here" Lloyd said happily "loving the outfit by the way" (you'll see it in a later picture)

"Thanks sweetie, a fight's no fun without me" Aria said

Having escaped Chen's camp by riding the swamp rat, "Rodrigo," Pythor arrives at the battle with the Book of Spells.

"I know how to defeat them, where's Garmadon?" Pythor asked urgently

"I'll take you" Lloyd said, then turned to Aria "be careful"

Aria kissed his cheek "I will"

 Lloyd leaves Aria and takes Pythor aboard the Bounty, where he explains how Garmadon can defeat Chen's army. 

"Since you cursed Arcturus and the Anacondrai generals, you can take their place and allow them to escape and curse Chen's army" Pythor explained

"I'll do it" Garmadon said "I will make that sacrifice"

"No, you can't!" Lloyd shouted

"Lloyd we have to" Garmadon said

"I just got you back and now your leaving again!" Lloyd shouted

Lloyd is infuriated and angrily departs. He dives into the battle and takes his anger out on the fake Anacondrai, as he remembers his past with his father. 

"We need to get Aria to perform the spell" Pythor said

Lloyd shook his head, he went to find Aria who was fighting against the occultists. Lloyd kicked one that was sneaking up behind her.

"We need you to preform a dark spell" Lloyd said

They headed up to the bounty. With one hand Aria held the book, she placed her other hand above the book, she could feel the darkness coming from the spell book. As much as she didn't want to admit it, it felt right. As she started reading the spell her eyes turned purple, dark energy could be seen between Aria and the book.

 As she started reading the spell her eyes turned purple, dark energy could be seen between Aria and the book

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"Is that safe for her?" Lloyd asked worried

"Aria will be fine" Wu reassured him

The portal opens.

"Lloyd I sought to make the world in my image, but I already did so, in you" Garmadon says

Lloyd smiled sadly as Aria finishes reading the spell, and Garmadon ascends to the portal. As a flash of light subsides, the spirits of Arcturus and his generals arrive at the battle; they condemn Chen's followers to the Cursed Realm, with Arcturus personally denouncing Chen before banishing him as well. 

With the war over, Lloyd is distraught by the loss of his father, but Arcturus arrives and praises him and Pythor for their heroism. Arcturus also restores Pythor to his original size, before he and the generals depart for another realm. 

As their allies clean up the Corridor of Elders, the Ninja, Nya, Wu and Misako commemorate the life of Garmadon, as a statue of him is built in the Corridor. Aria was looking through the book of spells, Lloyd took it from her.

"Lloyd what are you doing?" Aria questioned

"Burning it, it's dangerous" Lloyd said as he held it over the fire getting ready to throw it in

"No!" Aria shouted pushing Lloyd down and grabbing the book, the other ninja looked over

"Aria give me the book" Lloyd said as he stood up

"No it's mine" Aria held the book to her chest

Lloyd shook his head "No Aria-"

"It is hers" Wu interrupted and the ninja looked at him, "It was her mothers and now it is rightfully Aria's"

Lloyd reached out to Aria and she pulled away. Lloyd looked sad  "I'm sorry I tried to burn you spell book Aria"

Aria smiled and hugged Lloyd "I can't be mad at my boyfriend"

Lloyd smiled and hugged her

The ninja all gathered around the fire, Aria felt a strange wind blow, she looked up into the sky and mumbled "Morro"

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