Chapter 9: Never Trust A Snake Part 2

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As Lloyd is on look out in preparation for the Ninja. Pythor arrives on the roof.

"All the traps are ready" Pythor announced

"Finally, time for my revenge" Lloyd laughed evily and stupidly

Aboard the bounty the Ninja contemplate methods of infiltrating the building.

"Go through the front door" Aria suggested which they ignored

"We should hold onto the ship's anchor and Nya can drop up" Jay said excitedly

"That could work" Cole shrugged

"This won't end well" Aria said and Nya nodded her head in agreement

As the five ninja hold onto the anchor Nya drops it into the school, through the school. They end up on the lowest floor of the building.

"Told you that was a bad idea" Aria said as she brushed off dust from the cement

Upon noticing the tied up students, Cole frees them by cutting the rope

"Lloyd's on the roof" Kai said pointing through the hole they created

The male Ninja were quick to take their own route to the top.

"This is ridiculous, what happened to ninja sticking together" Aria whined standing in the classroom alone

Aria went out into the hallway looking around the familiar halls of darkley's. She suddenly got a sharp pain in her head and she dropped to the floor holding her head. Images flashed in her mind as she shook her head.

Meanwhile all the male ninja are all stopped by the traps Pythor had set up, except for Jay, who quickly pursues Pythor as he escapes to Lloyd's location.

"They're coming, they're coming!" Lloyd shouted as he ran around

Upon being confronted by Jay, Pythor takes the opportunity to snatch the Map of Dens from Lloyd's pocket.

"What are you doing" Lloyd asked "I thought you were my friend"

"You never wanted friends, you only wanted to make serpentine your slaves" Pythor said before disappearing from sight.

The Destiny's Bounty flies down to the roof's level.

"Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon get over here right now" Wu comanded

Lloyd tried to run away but Jay grabed him to bring him to the ship while the other Ninja suggest punishments for his behavior.

"I know exactly what to do" Wu said as the other ninja laughed

"Where is Aria?" Wu asked and the ninja looked at each other

"Don't know" Cole said

"I guess she didn't make it up" Zane suggested

"Oh no" Wu said worried

"I'll go find her" Kai said rushing back down to find Aria on her knees crying as she held her head

"Aria!" Kai shouted running over to her and he picked her up and she wraped her ams around him

"It's ok, shh it's ok, your ok" Kai said rubbing her head to try to soothe the girl

Later in the night, Master Wu puts Lloyd to bed and reads him a bedtime story.

"And that is why he never trusts a snake" Wu finished

"If my dad read me that stort I would've never done all that. Good night uncle" Lloyd said yawning and going to sleep

"I don't get it sensei, why isn't he getting punished?" Jay asked after Wu closed the door to Lloyd's room

"Oh yes the riddle, have you solved it yet" Wu asked remembering

"No, we still don't know" Kai sighed

"The best way to defeat an enemy is to make them your friend" Wu said

"Ohhhhh" the ninja said smiling at the sleeping Lloyd

Zane came in the area a bit later.

"How is she?" Kai asked

"She is alright now, she just needs some rest. The medicine should help her rest easy" Zane answered

"Sensei do you know what's wrong with Aria?" Cole asked

"I fear her memories are coming back" Wu sighed

"What memories?" Jay asked

"When Aria was younger their was an accident and she fell from a cliff" Wu revealed and the ninjas all gasped

"Lucky she survived, but some memories were lost. Most were unpleasant and hurtful. I hoped she would never get them back, but that is not so" he finished sadly

"Will she be ok?" Kai asked

"Aria is strong, she'll be just fine" Cole said confidently and the other ninja nodded in agreement

Later that evening Kai went to check up on Aria. He recovered her and smiled.

"Lloyd why" he heard Aria mumble in her sleep as a tear fell down her cheek

"What is she dreaming about" Kai questioned as he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

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