Chapter 15: The Green Ninja

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During the night, Cole, Zane, and Jay are all outside on the deck of the Destiny's Bounty, each attacking the silhouette of what appears to be Lizaru. In the middle of the battle, a light shines onto them, they were only attacking a training dummy.

"Nice job guys you're training is improving. Wait where's Kai?" Nya asked

Inside the Bounty, Kai carelessly wears the Green Ninja suit while he tries out different phrases, looking in the mirror to see Cole, Zane, and Jay watching him from behind.

"How about Fire Dork instead" Cole laughed

"The green ninja suit that's awesome" Jay said

"Well I found the suit when I was looking around Master Wu's room for any clues of who the Green Ninja could be" Kai explained

"only the one who is destined to fulfill the role of the Green Ninja is allowed to wear the suite" Zane reminds him

"I'm desperate to reach my True Potential like you all already have, me and Aria are the only one's who haven't!" Kai shouted frustrated

"shh, Aria's sleeping" Cole said covering Kai's mouth

"yeah we don't want to wake the kid up, she's still young and needs sleep" Jay added

"I'm home" They heard Wu's voice from outside

"Master Wu" The ninja said happily rushing out to greet him while Kai quickly starts to take off the suite

"You missed so much Nya's the samurai, Zane's a nindroid, , and Aria's a dancer" Jay said excited

"Zane's a what?" Wu questioned

"you've had a long journey" Zane simply said and Wu nodded

Kai comes out "Master I'm so relieved of your safe return"

Suddenly Lord Garmadon shows himself from behind his brother. Kai's first instinct is to rush into battle, whereas Zane throws himself in front of Master Wu to protect him.

"Kai stop" Wu ordered "Lord Garmadon will be staying with us to help rescue Lloyd"

The Ninja argue, but Master Wu silences them.

"I'm willing to work with you ninja just to rescue my son" Garmadon said

The Ninja then begrudgingly agree to respect the wishes of both brothers. At dawn, everyone but Aria, who is still sleeping, meets up at the bridge to discuss the Fangblades. Master Wu dismisses Kai and Nya to prepare the deck and check the anchor in order to be ready for Serpentine activity, as Jay decides to tell Master Wu the full story of the events during his absence

"I don't trust him" Kai admits to Nya

"I don't either but you have to remember he's also Master Wu's brother" Nya reminded him

"maybe if I stand up to Lord Garmadon, i'll unlock my True Potential" Kai convinced himself

"yeah yeah why don't you go wake up Aria" Nya sighed

"what, why me?" Kai asked

"Well you seem close to her and the others are busy" Nya replied

"Alright" Kai said going upstairs into their room

He walked over to her bed and poked her cheek "Aria, time to wake up"

She just whined and rolled over "tired"

"I know princess, but you gotta get up" Kai said as he picked her up out of bed and placed her down on her feet

She yawned and rubbed her eyes "I heard noise last night, is everything ok?"

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