Chapter 45: Ghost Story

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Thank you for all the comments, I enjoy reading them. Thank you for all the votes and just for reading the book, it makes me happy to know that not only am I enjoying writing the book but that others are enjoying what I write, so really thank you everyone and I'd love to keep reading all your comments and suggestions😊

As Morro catches up to the Destiny's Bounty 2.0 on his Elemental Dragon, Wu orders the Ninja to prepare for battle. The Ninja have equipped themselves with weapons, since they lost their powers earlier that day except for Aria. 

Morro eventually boards the ship. He then summons twin ghost blades, and Cole and Jay arm themselves with swords and hold him off, while Zane and Kai take Wu below deck to make an imprint of the staff's secret message, leaving Nya, Cole, and Jay attempting to stop the possessed Green Ninja.

Aria ran out to the deck "Morro stop!"

Morro looks at her, Kai takes the advantage and kicks him, almost knocking him off the ship. Aria looked away. She peaked to see the ninjas fighting him again. Morro cripples the autopilot and confronts Kai while the others attempt to stabilize the ship again.

Aria stood in front of Morro "Stop, Morro please this isn't you"

"Aria get out of the way" Morro said pushing her away

 Kai is almost thrown out of the Bounty, but Wu tosses his staff away as a distraction, and Morro summons his Elemental Dragon to retrieve it. The Bounty eventually crashes in the Forest of Tranquility, though the Bounty remains intact.

After looking over the symbols, Zane sends the Falcon to fetch Misako for her to translate them. That night, Wu tells the Ninja of how he met Morro.

"I met Morro when the child was looking through the Monastery's trash cans in search of food. With Garmadon having left to train under Master Chen, I took pity on him and trained him in the ways of the Ninja. Aria was only 5 and had been left in my care a month earlier.

I soon discovered that Morro was a descendant of the Elemental Master of Wind, and I believed him to be the Green Ninja. This ended up being my greatest regret, as the thought of the power that came with the title made Morro incredibly arrogant, and he flew into a fit of rage when the Golden Weapons did not react as they did when they eventually revealed Lloyd.

He then left to find the Tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master to prove he's worthy of being the Green Ninja, but never came back. He was sent to the Cursed Realm"

"you must stop Morro in order to free Lloyd and get your Elemental powers back" Wu said "Aria I understand this will be hard for you"

Aria looked down "Sensei how am I supposed to choose between my brother and my boyfriend"

"Time will tell" Wu sighed

That night, Kai dreams of him promising to look after Lloyd, only for the Green Ninja to be eaten by a Fangfish. He is awoken by a walliper to find that Misako has arrived, and discovered that the first symbol means Airjitzu, a martial art created by Master Yang. 

"The Airjitzu scrolls that were housed in Domu have recently been stolen by Ronin" Zane said

"Morro doesn't know that, we have a headstart" Cole said

The Ninja mount on the wallipers to head to Ronin's home town of Stiix, while Misako and Wu order Nya to come back with them to Steep Wisdom. 

"I'll lead us to stiix" Kai said

"I'll see you boys there" Aria said as she summoned midnight "bye boys"

Midnight took off with Aria

"...oh she did not just leave us" Jay said

"She did" Zane said 


Ronin kicked his feet up on his desk enjoying the peace, that is until his door was kicked open and sent flying into his wall. Ronin quickly turn to run but was immediately met by Aria.

Aria smiled "Hello Ronin"

Ronin sat back down in his chair "Princess Aria, what brings you here your highness"

"What's my merchant doing in this old town" Aria said as she sat on his desk

"Just looking for some new things, is your majesty not pleased?" Ronin questioned

Aria's eyes glowed red "No I'm not, my hounds are getting hungry Ronin, they're in the mood for some fresh meat"

~2 months ago~ (During rebooted season)

"Princess Aria, welcome home" A blonde haired teen bowed

"Skip the formalities Hanabusa, I have to go back to Ninjago" Aria demanded

"Princess Aria, now that your 16 you're demon powers have to be awakened and combined with your elemental powers or negative side affects will take form" Hanabusa informed

"years of telling myself I was good has been a lie" Aria sighed

"Princess Aria, just because your powers are dark doesn't mean you yourself are" Hanabusa said "quickly, we must combine your demon powers with your dark elemental powers"

"Shipment's here"

Aria looked down the hall to see a man "who's that"

"Ronin, he's a thief and a merchant, sold his soul to your mother for protection against a ghost. So basically he's your servant" Hanabusa said

Aria looked at him "Ronin huh... oh well let's finish up here"

One month later Aria had finished training and returned to Ninjago to take part in the Tournament of Elements.

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