Chapter 14: The Royal Blacksmiths

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In Destiny's Bounty, the Ninja discuss the location of the second Fangblade.

"I remember where I recognize the Fangblade from!" Aria suddenly shouted

"what, where?" Kai asked

"Cole Cole Cole, the picture the picture the picture" Aria said excitedly as she jumped up and down

"Oh yeah" Cole smiled leaving the room and returning with a picture book.

Aria eagerly takes the book from him and shows it to the rest of the team.

"It's a competition that awards the winner with the Blade Cup, my father and Aria has won it multiple times before" Cole said

"You've never spoken of your father being an accomplished athlete" Zane commented

"yeah what sport?" Jay asked

"He's a Blacksmith" Cole answered closing the picture book

"cool so was my dad, but I don't remember their being a competition for It" Kai said

"Uncle Lou is a Royal Blacksmith" Aria corrected for Cole

"ohhhh... what's that?" Jay asked

"Singer, dancer, you know a performer" Aria said

"The Fangblade was made into the Blade Cup by a fellow named Clutch Powers" Cole explained

"who is currently in possession of the trophy?" Zane asked

"I don't know I haven't spoken to my father in years, Aria?" Cole asked turning to her

"I haven't competed since I became a ninja, I don't have the blade cup nor do I know who does" Aria said

"my father wanted me to follow in his footsteps, but I ran away when I couldn't sing or dance, I sent letters to my dad pretending to be at the Marty Oppenheimer School of Performing Arts. Aria was his prodigy, she can sing and dance" Cole explained

"that's true, but cousin Cole their are a lot of things you can do that I can't" Aria said

"thanks kiddo" Cole said patting her head

"your father is unaware of you being a ninja?" Zane questioned

"I know it's stupid, go ahead laugh it up" Cole sighed, assuming that his teammates will make fun of him for his story

"It's not stupid, Cole we have to get our acts together if we want to reach the second Fangblade in time, we're not going to laugh" Kai said

"Let's go see uncle Lou" Aria said happily

As the Destiny's Bounty flies over Ninjago City, all five Ninja jumping off and activating their elemental vehicles in order to land safely, Aria being with Kai. They all looked at each other.

"I've never seen you guys in normal clothes before" Aria laughed

"Do we look weird?" Jay asked

"to me you do" Aria laughed

"Well we've never seen you wear something cute like that" Kai said

"Well we've never seen you wear something cute like that" Kai said

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