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01 :00 AM, local hour

Off the coast of South Africa

A rather peaceful night had settled and only the breath of the light breeze caressing the flat surface of the water was heard. A light fog had risen, but nothing too threatening, and besides some seagulls, no sign of life was seeing around. A large ship, sporting large white sails, decorated with the characteristic coat of arms of Corona, kingdom of Germany, floated quietly in the middle of the great expanse and infinite expanse of dark water, having anchored for that night off the coast of South Africa.

Africa was a vast continent, and although visited for a long time by many kingdoms curious to see the cultures and riches, Africa still contained many mysteries as it is immense, and some even seemed very well hidden . Eager to be able to establish commercial partnerships with other kingdoms and the African peoples, Corona had sent several of their dignitaries on the spot. With the permission of the leaders of the African peoples, the ships of Corona had been allowed to sail in African territorial waters, provided that no harm was done to their environment, which Corona promised and kept his word.

On the ship, silence had also settled, the majority of the crew being in the lower level, lying in their hammocks and sleeping soundly and some snoring louder than a cold bear. One of the sailors, a young man with brown hair and eyes the same color, unable to sleep because of the constant snoring of his comrades, decides to get up and climb the wooden staircase leading to the bridge. The fresh sea air stroked his face and he sighed with relief. Finally, a little calm. Apart from himself, almost no one was on the deck of the ship, except the sailor responsible for watching the rudder, who was half asleep on a bench behind. Then, on the front of the boat, contemplating the landscape in front of him, the captain, still dressed in his dark blue perfect uniform, his white trousers, his black boots and captain's hat on his head. Hands in the back, the man seemed thoughtful. The captain was a man in his forties and had extensive experience in the navy. His finely cut mustaches indicated perfect hygiene, and his seasoned eye showed his knowledge.

The young sailor stretched his arms, then went to the bow to see the captain. Although he walked without making too much noise, the captain felt his presence and turned his head slightly towards him, showing a neutral smile.

- "Well, young John. Does the sea air keep you away from sleep?"

- "It's rather the air from the mouths of the others that prevents me, captain." the young sailor genuinely says, scratching the back of his head. The captain saw what he wanted to say and gave a little closed laugh.

"How long have you been in the royal navy? Two months? Three months?"

- "Five, captain." John corrected with some pride. The captain admired this and gave him a light tap on the shoulder.

- "You still have a career in front of you." said the captain, with his years of experience. "And believe me, within a year, you will not hear snoring any more."

Young John seemed pleased with the captain's encouragement and leaned his arms on the railing. Before his eyes, a few meters away, the surface of the black and bottomless water, and the moon and his own face reflecting in it, gave him chills. The ocean was really a fascinating place, but also terrifying sometimes.

But as he turned up, John looked up, and his expression changed. Perplexed, he looked in front of him with great attention. Pulling away from the fog a little further away, a kind of .... yes, a small form, floating and drifting in the middle of the water.

- "Captain, look!" immediately warned John by pulling on the captain's jacket. This one, also perceiving the form, immediately took his telescope attached to his belt and glanced. He could then better discern what it was. A piece of wood, perhaps a makeshift raft made with the remains of a ship, and above, a human figure, lying and motionless.

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