Chapter 15 - I Have to Leave

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The fight was finally over. Kong had managed to kill the great skull crawler, bringing balance to Skull Island, but also avenged the death of his parents, and also Tehela ...

After defeating his enemy, Kong breathed heavily, the body bruised and with several bleeding wounds, but he would live anyway. Moana worried about him, but he was strong.

Kneeling down, the giant monkey gently put his hand on the ground, allowing Moana to descend from his palm and return to the mainland. The young woman had recovered some strength and standing on a rock at the edge of the murky water, looked up at Kong, who still on his knees, continued to look at her. Looking into the powerful eyes of the titan, Moana still felt crushed by this presence, but also protected, knowing that Kong would never hurt her. He was a protector, not a destroyer. For long seconds, the young woman and the great monkey remained silent, looking at each other as if frozen in time, engraving that moment in their memory. Moana felt her heart beating hard, and smiling, put her hand on her chest and bowed respectfully to the titan, who saw her doing, made a slight friendly grunt. Moana was surprised to see him do the same, bowing his head in a respectful nod.

Although she was the size of an insect in relation to him, Kong saw in her, strength, courage, like Tehela once.

Then, after that silence, Kong slowly straightened up on his big feet, towering above Moana, and with a heavy, slow step, began to move toward the central lands of the island. Moana watched him, but was immediately drawn to a familiar voice behind her.

_ "Moana!!"

The young woman turned to see Maui running towards her and hug her tightly. The demigod was more than reassured, fearing that she was dead in the confrontation of the monsters. Moana was also happy to see him again and hugged him too. The two of them then watched Kong leave, without looking back, and surely reach his lair to rest after this infernal struggle.

_"He is incredible." Moana sighed, looking at him.

_"Oh yeah." replied Maui, quite in agreement. Moana smiled, but was sad to see him leave as well. Kong paused for a brief moment, glancing back over her shoulder at her, and seemed to be smiling, before resuming her slow march to the heights of the island. Moana and Maui watched him leave for a few more minutes, then decided to join their friends, where a sad sight awaited them.


Moana and Maui arrived side by side in the biggest and heavy silence, among the tall wild grasses. In front of them, Rapunzel and Flynn were kneeling in the mud, around the still body of the young moss, Tim. The young man was lying on his back, blood around his mouth and breathing very weakly. Flynn looked sad, sad, and Rapunzel let tears run down her cheeks, holding Tim's hand in hers.

_ "He ... he is dying ...." sighed the princess of Corona, helplessly. Moana, her heart beating and saddened, came to kneel with Tim, looking him in the eyes and seeing his wounds more than serious.

_"We can not do anything?" she asked, turning to Maui. The defeatist expression of the demigod confirmed her fears. Coughing blood, Tim managed to use his last strength to come and take the hand of Moana, who let him. Despite the pain, he smiles, tears in his eyes.

_ "I ... I wanted to prove my worth ... to show that I was not the coward that everyone thought ..."

_ "You've never been a coward, Tim ..." Moana replied sadly "... you did not have to prove anything."

_ "But I had to protect the royal couple from Corona ..." Tim said, turning his eyes to Rapunzel and Flynn "... because that is the duty of a patriot of the kingdom."

_ "You didn't have to sacrifice your life for us." Flynn said. Tim understood, but did not seem to regret the choice he had made. He squeezed Moana's hand in his own, feeling life leave him more and more, his vision becoming blurred and veiling from an obscure, more and more opaque veil.

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