Chapter 14 - Battle for Skull Island part 2

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As the two titans fought, Princess Rapunzel, Flynn, and Tim continued to flee, by order of Maui, to the great wreck of what was once a majestic ship, covered in moss and moisture and whose hull was now half buried in the marshy waters of the peat bog.

Out of breath, Rapunzel, a rifle in hand, looked over his shoulder worriedly, seeing further Moana and Maui at the top of one of the granite cliffs, not far from the clash of the giant monsters.

_ "We can not stay without doing anything, they will be killed!" said the young princess of Corona.

_ "And what do you want us to do? Our weapons can not do anything against these things!" Flynn answered anxiously, raising his voice. Tim watched them both, then his rifle in his shaking, dirty hands, then stared at Moana further. The young moth trembled with fear, swallowed, but decided not to act like a coward.

_ "If you have an idea, princess, I follow you." Tim said with determination, to which Rapunzel smiled and looked at her husband in the eye, placing her hand against his cheek.

_ "And you Flynn .... or should I say, Eugene .... are you with us?"

The young man sighed heavily and smiled at his wife.

_ "You know very well that yes."


_ "My hook!" Maui said with a big smile, after seeing his magic weapon, which he thought was lost, being expelled from Ramarak's mouth after a violent blow from Kong. The weapon was now on the ground, in the mud, just waiting to be picked up. Maui prepared to go down to get it, but Moana held him back.

_ "Maui, stop! It's too dangerous!" she warned, seeing that the monsters were too close to try anything.

_ "I need this hook, Moana, you know it! With our unified powers, Kong will have a better chance of winning!"

Moana hesitated, not wanting her friend to risk his life, but deep down he was right. They had to put all the chances on their side. She nodded softly, letting go of her arm. Maui smiled at her, thanking her, and began to descend. Moana stayed on top of the cliff, preparing her spear.

Meanwhile, just in the middle of the cliffs and bog, the battle of giant creatures continued. After receiving the violent blow of a tree trunk in his head, Ramarak had risen up, furious, and gaining momentum, had climbed one of the cliffs at high speed to gain height, under the gaze perplexed from Kong. The Skull Crawler then leaps into the air, towards his opponent. But Kong had planned this attack and grabbed Ramarak in the air, by the throat, with a firm hand. But Ramarak was unleashed, wrapping his long snake tail around Kong's body and trying to bite him and slap him with violent claws. Kong roared, blocking one of the arms with his other hand, but received a scratch on his face from Ramarak's second hand. Kong gave Ramarak a head blow, dizzying him, but not enough to push him away.

Ramarak managed to gain the upper hand in the fierce fight, scratching Kong's face again, and managing to pass over him, used the momentum and strength of his body to catapult Kong into the air with his tail. The great ape could not do anything, stunned by the blow received and was thrown several meters, under the horrified eyes of Moana.

Rapunzel, Flynn and Tim had just enough time to flee at a safe distance, seeing Kong's huge body crashing violently into the ship's wreck, smashing it into two and crumbling the masts on him. The ground had trembled under the impact and the water had been lifted several meters into the air.

Seeing what happened, Maui hurried through the muddy water and the tall grass, and finally grabbed his hook, which he grabbed into his hand and felt all his powers come back to him.

TITANS 2: The Monsters Kingdom (Moana / Kong - Disney Moana / Monsterverse)Where stories live. Discover now