Chapter 1 - Moana of Motunui

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7 months later....

Motunui Island, Polynesia

Two years had passed since the return of the heart of Te Fiti in the goddess chest, and life had resumed slowly but surely in the archipelagos of Polynesia. The water of the ocean, crystalline under the rays of the high sun, danced gently with the soft wind. On the island of Motunui, a real paradise of greenery and rocks, life was in full swing and the village prospered as usual.

By this late morning, all the inhabitants are at their daily tasks. Some men and women looked after the plantations and crops around the village, checking the ones that looked good to start harvesting, and seeing those that could not give enough and needed to be replaced. Other people were climbing trees, with surprising agility, and with machetes cutting the coconuts, allowing them to fall into the baskets down up that other people held in their hands and stood ready to catch the fruit. To the wooden huts with foliage roofs, the children were gathered in small groups and followed the teachings of the village elders, telling them the stories and other legends of their people, but also the way forward to become men and women of the tribe, and all this under the supervision of some parents ensuring that no child decides to leave to have fun.

Further away from the village, on the side of the beach and the sea, a young man of thirteen, with semi-long hair and braided behind his neck, stood straight and motionless, water up to his waist and brandished a spear above him. The young man stared at the water around him, without moving an eyelash. He smiled a satisfied smile and a quick but rather clumsy shot, gave a shot in the water, splashing all around him. Emerging from the water while coughing, he noted with disappointment that his spear was carrying no fish. Around him, all the fish had fled.

- "Raaah, still missed." said the scowling young man.

Sitting on a large rock at the edge of the water, hands on her knees, a young woman watched him with a certain amusement, but without making a mockery of it. This young woman was named Moana. She had a very beautiful face, the tanned skin of her people, brown eyes and long black hair, slightly undulating like waves. She wore a crop top made out of red tapa with a layered style accessorized with seashells along the perimeter. She wears a red sash made from the same material that wraps around her skirt made out of shredded pandanas and layered tapa. Around her neck, a necklace sporting a beautiful blue stone, the one that had contained the heart of Te Fiti during the long journey to cross the ocean. The same necklace that belonged to her grandmother, Gramma Tala, unfortunately deceased but whose spirit reincarnated in a manta ray and continued to make her presence felt and watched over the people of Motunui and especially Moana. For two years now, after rescuing the archipelago from an atrocious end, Moana had become chief of the tribe and took to heart her role of caring for her people.

The young man she watched return on the beach, disappointed and threw his spear on the sand, then sit, sulkily. Moana sighed slightly, smiling and gently shaking her head, then stood up and picked up the spear.

- "Mareto, what have I told you before?" Moana asked him as a teacher questioning a student. The young man named Mareto sighed.

- "Patience is one of the major assets of the fisherman."

Moana put her hand on his shoulder. Mareto was a very promising young man whom she had decided to personally take under her wing to prepare him to become a man, but Mareto lacked self-confidence and patience. She wanted to help him and she knew he was doing everything to learn, and that's why she did not want to let him down.

- "Yes, but it is not because the fish is within your reach that you must immediately seize it. You must give it time to get used to your presence, and you, take the time to study and to know its movements.... Look."

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