Chapter 10 - A Moment of Respite

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Wagner and his men who had survived during the crossing of the island, about eight sailors, the most hardened, had finally reached a remote part of the island, untouched by any presence of giant predatory creatures. Exhausted and always terrified by the abnormal fauna of this island that could arise at any moment, the sailors wanted to stop for a break, but Captain Wagner, smiling with all his teeth and his shining eye, pointed to the wreck of a very old ship, covered with moss and other creeping vegetation. 

_ "Gentlemen, this is our base camp for the night. William, first watch this night. Johns and Liam, get some wood to make a fire."

The sailor named William sighed heavily, he who would have hoped to sleep a little once the camp installed. The wreck was very old, but nevertheless it would provide a safe shelter for the group of men, they do not especially want to sleep in nature with all the predators that run.

Wagner inspected the ship's rooms, one by one, discovering a lot of badly damaged things, dirty and torn portraits of people he did not know and who were probably dead on this island. In his hand the captain picked up the shreds of what was once a little girl's dress, torn by marks of claws and still bearing, in spite of the humidity, dry traces of blood. Wagner swallowed. This island was decidedly unforgiving ... a place that does not belong to the human ... at least, for the moment, Wagner thought sharp-eyed, determined to carry out its main objective: to kill Kong.

As he dropped the torn robe at his feet, Wagner was stopped by one of his sailors who arrived hastily and smiled.

_ "Captain, you should come and see."

Intrigued by the cheerful air of his sailor, Wagner immediately followed him to the bottom of small, damp, dirty wooden stairs, leading straight to the hold of the ship. The place was plunged into a constant darkness or swarming worms and other insects from swamps, the sailor illuminated with a torch made in a hurry. The orange glow of the flames revealed an immense and dismal hold, filled to the brim with barrels that had withstood the weather and the humidity. Wagner stepped to one of the casks and peeking in, he too smiled with great interest. Most of these barrels were filled with dynamite sticks, even more than Wagner and his men had brought on their own ship. It was enough to blow up half of the capital of Corona. Other barrels contained oil, giving off a strong, fermented odor. But Wagner did not care about the smell, too overwhelmed by this discovery and put his hand on the shoulder of his sailor, congratulating him with his eyes.

_ "Now, we can kill that bastard." the captain said with determination.


Kong was back in his den, while twilight had given way to the night. Tonight, in the dark, star-dappled sky, huge threads of blue-green light danced, running through the heavens at great speed. Sitting at the edge of his cliff overlooking the island, Kong nibbled at a large root that he had torn off, and while munching softly, gazed at the dancing lights of the sky with a curious, but also fascinated eye.

However, his thoughts were elsewhere. He had not stopped having them since that moment, when he met this young human woman with matted skin and long, wavy hair .... she, not moving, her eyes fixed on him and showing both this expression of fear, but also of understanding .... a human looking at him in this way was not common, even more than rare .... both frightened, and not .... the only time it happened. .....

Kong managed to gather his memories and growling slightly, turned his head to a small mound of land a few meters from him, on which stood an oval stone worn by time. At the foot of this stone was a small necklace of pearls, old and dirty, but nevertheless whole. With the tip of his big finger and with a thousand precautions, Kong touched the necklace, without moving it. A dampness formed in the eyes of the king, and his face became more serious, darker ... he had never been able to forget who this necklace belonged to .... Tehela, an unknown young woman, had once been brought by the ocean to the shores of the island .... half dead, she had been picked by the natives, who took care of her .... over time, Tehela became one of their , learning their customs and traditions, and especially learning to know the dangers of this island, but also to venerate the true master. When she first met Kong, Tehela was frightened at first, but little by little she learned to observe him, to know him, to respect him as king of the island. He had affection for her, and sometimes she could come to see him in his lair .... The way she looked at him ... she did not look at him with fear, nor like an animal .... but as a protector, a friend ....

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