Chapter 6 - The Monsters Kingdom

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_ "Is that....a....monkey?.... " stammered one of the sailors trembling with fear, although no one could answer him as the terror was present in the minds of all. The group of survivors, numbering just over forty, was now facing a major problem. This thirty-meter-tall creature, looking like a furious and monstrous gorilla, was looking at them now, his eyes burning like hot coals almost judging their souls. It was the impression that Moana had while she remained frozen to contemplate the creature. Once again, it reminded her almost the time she had faced Tamatoa, but this giant gorilla looked even stronger and terrifying.

_ "M ... Moana ......" Rapunzel stuttered, not daring to move. Still staring at the monster, Motunui's girl motioned for them to remain calm.

_ "Do not do ..... sudden movements ....." she said in a low voice, while starting to move very slowly backwards. Flynn, Rapunzel and Tim did the same. But as they retreated, the dark gaze of the giant gorilla sneaked up to them, and he gave a low growl, as if he had anticipated their movement in advance. Moana and her friends dared not move. Nonchalantly, the giant gorilla begins to walk in their direction, making the earth tremble again under its huge feet. Terror grew in everyone's hearts when they saw him doing it. Flynn stood before Rapunzel as a human shield, though in the face of such a monster, it would be rather useless. But as the giant approached, Moana noticed something: on one of his shoulders, the gorilla wore a fairly large wound, like a kind of giant scratch. Now standing a dozen meters ahead of them, the monster growled ferociously and held out his hand as if to grasp them, to their utmost fear.

BOOM! A stick of dynamite had been thrown and exploded on the hand of the giant gorilla, which, surprised, roared furiously and with some pain as it recoiled and looking at his hand slightly injured by the explosion. Surprised as well, Moana and her group turned to see Wagner and his men, preparing other dynamite sticks and preparing their rifles.

_ "Wagner, damn it, what are you doing?!" Flynn shouted.

_ "Courage, brave sailors, kill this abomination, in the name of Corona!" Wagner shouted, ignoring Flynn. Although frightened, the sailors obeyed and fired. Shots and bullets fired, striking the forearm and torso of the giant gorilla, which seemed more uncomfortable than suffering the projectiles, and roared angrily again. Seeing the giant monster go crazy furious under the incessant shots, Moana grabbed Rapunzel by the hand and ran towards the jungle, screaming at Flynn and Tim to follow them.

_ "RUN!!"

Ignoring Moana's group fleeing, the giant gorilla leaps towards Wagner and his sailors to confront them. He swept in front of him with one of his arms, hitting three sailors and throwing them into the air like dolls of rags. In the momentum, he violently crushed another sailor under one of his feet, reducing him into a bloody mess of crushed bones and flesh. Undergoing the first losses, the group of sailors began to retreat, continuing to fire at will, under the orders of Wagner, who also shot with his pistol, although the many projectiles did not really seem to affect the monster. The gorilla, still protecting himself with his arms from his many annoying shots, continued his violent assault, catching a sailor in his hand and throwing him into the air. While fleeing, arriving at the edge of the jungle, Moana's group saw with horror the sailor thrown crashing against a tree trunk right in front of them, and the body falling to the ground, broken in two and the blood spilling over the vegetation. Horrified, Rapunzel had to look away, just like Flynn and Tim.

Moana, also disturbed by what she saw, turned around, eyes wide and speechless, again contemplating the great primate, continuing to roar with rage while killing one by one the men of Wagner. But as he continued his slaughter, the giant monkey had a moment's pause, turning his brutal gaze towards Moana, who immediately felt himself crushed by that look .... She was sure he was looking at her. She could feel her heart beating so hard that it could spring from her chest ... But the rifle shots brought the giant gorilla back to the fight, and with his fist crushed two other sailors like insects.

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