Chapter 12 - Rise of the Devil

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Rapunzel felt as if all her strength had been sucked by magic, and a migraine was sticking to her head. The mind completely fogged, she woke slowly, her eyes sticky, and had to wait a few seconds before her vision returned to normal.

The first thing she felt was that her hands had been placed behind her back and she could not move them anymore. Her wrists were hindered by .... ropes. And her ankles too when she tried to move them. Raising her head and moaning, the princess of Corona quickly realized his situation. She was lying on a soil covered with vegetation, tied up. Several sailors encircled her, all armed, and looked at her with bad smiles. She heard a familiar and unpleasant voice beside her.

_ "Our dear princess is finally awake ... Perfect, we can start then."

Rapunzel then saw Captain Wagner appear, leaning towards her and looking at her confidently. Rapunzel did not understand what was going on, but his horrified look went to Flynn and Tim, both on their knees, a few meters ahead. They too had their hands and ankles tied and were closely watched by sailors holding rifles.

_ "Flynn! Tim!" Rapunzel gasped in terror as she tried to get up to go to them, but a sailor held her firmly by the shoulders, forcing her to stay on her knees. Seeing his wife being abused before his eyes, Flynn turned red with anger and in turn tried to come help her.

_ "Do not touch her, you bastards!"

But quickly, Flynn was mastered by two sailors. Tim could not do anything but watch. The two lovers, separated by only a few meters but unable to join, looked each other in the eyes with a certain despair, Rapunzel not being able to hold back a tear to flow on her cheek. Wagner did not care and continued to oversee the preparations. Rapunzel saw that they were at the edge of a large lake, in a virgin space, and that several sailors were busy pouring barrels of oil into the lake, forming a huge black puddle, on which had been arranged other barrels, this time containing dynamite. A lot of dynamite.

_ "Wagner, have you lost your mind?!! Release us right now!! What you are doing here is treason!!" shouted Rapunzel, struggling against her strong bonds. The captain turned to her, looking like a madman, and grabbed her by the throat.

_ "No, my dear, I'm doing this for the Corona Kingdom! I'll show everyone how I, Captain Wagner, I will conquer this island in the name of our king!! .......... guys, gag them .... "

Wagner moved away to continue the trap. Rapunzel still wanted to protest energetically, but the sailor behind her silenced her by tying a white cloth around her mouth. Flynn and Tim, too, were gagged and firmly guarded by Wagner's men.

_ "Everything is in place?" Wagner asked one of his men, who nodded with conviction. Satisfied and showing a gloomy look, Wagner took a lantern and brandished it high, in front of all his men and three prisoners, before throwing it without hesitation to another group of barrels of dynamite, smaller, and having been arranged further on the bank. The barrels exploded, triggering a column of flames and black smoke that rose to the sky and lit the surrounding area with its red glow. Rapunzel, Flynn, and Tim stared at it all in horror. A few seconds passed, and a very powerful roar of fury, that of Kong, was heard in the distance, crossing the island and making all those who heard it shudder. Wagner smiles even more, preparing his pistol and his sword. He had managed to attract the attention of his prey, and was now waiting for him firmly, like all the other sailors who were preparing their weapons.

_ "Come here, monster ..." he murmured between his teeth.


After seeing the explosion in the distance and seeing Kong, furious, head for the source of this phenomenon, Moana and Maui had not lost a single moment and had come down the cliff as quickly as possible. Moana had no proof, but she knew deep down who was responsible for the blast and had to warn others.

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