Chapter 4 - Skull Island

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It has been seven days since the great foreign ship embarked on the last leg of its long voyage, with in tis board the leader of the Motunui tribe, Moana, considered as official ambassador for the relations of the tribes of the archipelago with the foreigners of the Kingdom of Corona, but also as a representative of the archipelago for the discovery of this new island bearing the ominous name of Skull Island. At the beginning of the trip, Moana had felt very lonely, isolated, in the midst of all these foreign men, some of whom were looking at her with rather unhealthy attention. Captain Wagner, although polite in appearance, was rather distant and preferred to stay away from his men. Fortunately, Flynn and Princess Rapunzel were there, and had shown themselves as true allies, even friends, to Motunui's young chef, which she greatly appreciated. Rapunzel had been able to tell her story to Moana, when she still possessed golden hair of infinite length and possessing the healing powers of a magic flower born from a tear of sun fallen on earth. Moana had been fascinated by this story, and asked what had caused the princess to cut her hair and give up that power. Rapunzel answered her a very simple thing: to avoid that malicious people would want to use her, as was the case with the mother Gothel. Sometimes such powers, however beautiful and beneficial, should never have fallen into the hands of mortals, which Moana had expressed in full understanding of her point of view.

Night had fallen on the immensity of the ocean, and the ship continued to slide, very slowly, on the dark blue tablecloth, as the gentle breeze caressed the sails. Too nervous to sleep, Moana had come to get a little air and stood leaning on the rail at the front of the ship, alone, and thoughtfully contemplated the surface of the water splitting against the hull of the ship. A quiet silence reigned over this usually noisy ship, teeming with sailors, and the princess of the islands enjoyed the silence with each passing second. As she remained thoughtful, Moana saw, with some surprise, a mound of water rising alone, as if she had a life of her own, and ascended to her. Moana smiled. Apparently, the ocean had never forgotten her and continued to watch over her. Moana reached out her hand and touched the soft water with her fingertips.

_ "My dear friend ...." says Moana "... Do you think I'm making the right choice?"

The ocean having not voice to talk, contented itself with a silence that Moana understood. But the ocean also touched her heart, telling her that she had to trust herself and her own decisions. She was Moana de Motunui, the chosen one of the ocean and savior of the archipelago. As always, Moana could count on the precious support of the ocean and smiled at him.

_ "I must save Maui, but at the same time .... I do not know why, but I feel that something is on this island .... Something old .... And dangerous ... I feel it, but on one side .... I know I have to go."

The ocean nodded, but would not seek to distract the princess from her own path. But suddenly, the ocean returned to its normal state as soon as possible, and Moana quickly guessed why. Behind her, footsteps were heard on the wood of the boat and approaching. One of the ship's sailors, on guard duty for the night, came towards her, looking friendly. He was very young, still a teenager, with blue eyes and short, light brown hair and a little cap on the head. Moana had already seen him several times. It was Tim, the moss of the ship. He was one of the few sailors to having greet Moana with a smile aboard the ship and one of the few who look really friendly. Moana had taken a liking to him.

_"Are you speaking alone?" he asked a little timidly coming to lean on the rail, right next to her. Moana pretended nothing.

_"Somehow .... Speaking alone sometimes helps me to take stock of things, and especially about myself." it was the first thing that came to her mind, even if there was truth in his sentence. Tim seemed to understand and nodded, watching the ocean with a dreamy gaze.

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