Chapter 5 - Another World

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"Moana ...... Moana, can you hear me? ...."

Moana's mind was completely misty and lost. This voice resonated like a distant echo .... She thought to recognize her ..... Was she dead and was her soul already trying to remember memories? She had seen bits of visions .... her island .... her parents .... Maui ..... the peace and tranquility prevailing in the archipelago, but darkened suddenly by a huge shadow and screaming over the ocean and the islands by its imposing stature and reigning terror in the hearts and minds of all .....

Eyes still closed, Moana felt her senses come back little by little, the wind blowing on her face and feeling the cold dry sand under her back. Once again, a feminine and familiar voice spoke to him, worried, urging her to wake up. Moana hardly opened her eyes, feeling her limbs completely numb and painful, to see, after a few seconds to let her vision return to normal, the face of Princess Rapunzel, leaning over her and seeming reassured to see her open the eyes.

_ "Flynn, she's waking up!" Rapunzel warned, raising her head. Alerted by the voice of his wife, the young man came running at once, while Rapunzel helped Moana to get back to her feet, the young woman moaning while her limbs still made her suffer. Rubbing her head, Moana could see the dirty and torn clothes of Flynn and Rapunzel, as well as a little further away, Captain Wagner and several crew members trying to save material brought back by the waves. Moana looked a little more, to see that they were on a large gray sand beach, bordered by what looked like a thick, dark jungle. Hundreds of debris, wooden planks and pieces of cloth had been ejected by the water on the beach. The ship was seen a little further away, broken in two, stranded on a pile of sharp black rocks. She then remembered the impact against the big rock rising above the water, and its fall in the dark waters. She thought she was going to die, but that was not the case. Her head was still hurting her but fortunately she got no serious wounds, just only few scratches.

_ "What .... what happened?" moaned Moana, recovering her strength and spirits.

_"When you fell into the water, the ship hit other rocks and ran aground and it was Tim who plunged into the water and saved your life." Flynn explained to him pointing to the young moss, standing a little further and helping other sailors to collect some still usable material. The young moss appeared to have a slight injury to the thigh.

_"He injured himself against a rock by saving your life, but he did not ask anyone to help him." Rapunzel adds. Moana did not say a word, but after making sure she was able to stand up, went towards Tim, who, seeing her arrive, was relieved to see her standing again.

_ "Mrs. Moana ...." he said, a little timidly, but grimacing because of his thigh injury that blew slightly but did not seem to work out so far. She smiled at him, giving him a little kiss on the cheek.

_"Thank you ..." she said simply, which made the young man blush. However, Moana was worried about Tim's injury.

_ "You should let me watch this wound." she advised, but the moss seemed reluctant, pretending not to suffer, but Moana was not fooled.

_ "Do not worry, ma'am." he said "There are some who have been less fortunate than me, unfortunately." he pointed to a specific spot, and Moana felt her heart tighten with anguish. Several inert bodies, some twenty or so, had been lined up on the sand and white sheets covered them. Moana guessed that these were the sailors who had no luck during the sinking. She was grieved to see some of the sailors leaning over some of the lifeless bodies and looking downcast and saddened. One of the men was crying in front of the body of what was probably one of his friends, while another was trying to comfort him with a friendly pat on the back. Other members of the crew seemed to be wounded, more or less serious. Wagner, Flynn and Rapunzel, they only carried small minor cuts.

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