Chapter 3 - A New Adventure

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That night, a strange atmosphere reigned over the village of Motunui. In the huts, everyone had fallen asleep more or less reassured after the departure of the foreigners. However, before their departure, Moana had looked in detail at the mysterious parchment entrusted by Princess Rapunzel, and thus discovered the location of this mysterious island she had never heard of. Moana had sought advice from her father and village elders, but none of them had been able to confirm the existence of this island. For the young chef, that was almost supernatural. Her ancestors were explorers who had traveled the Polynesian archipelago to its best known limits, but no one had ever mentioned an island like this. The strange drawings and writings on the parchment made a strange impression to Moana, like a feeling of embarrassment, even of fear, as if these marks were trying to warn whoever would read them.

Lying on her bench, well under her blanket, Moana was trying to sleep peacefully, but her sleep was stirred by incessant and sinister nightmares. Flashes of scrambled images flashed in her mind, as well as echoes of distant and disturbing voices, speaking in a dialect she did not know ... An island lost in the middle of the ocean, and surrounded by the mist ..... A jungle of dark and impenetrable appearance ..... A rock, worn by time and rain, and having the frightening shape of a skull howling in the dark night.... And that huge ominous shadow standing up like a moving mountain, emitting mighty rumblings making the air tremble, and those two angry reddish-brown eyes looking at her .... "Skull ....... Island .... ... Skull ...... Island ...... " a distant voice echoed, that of her grandmother. Moana recognized her. Maui's voice was also heard, in a cry of distress and fear..."MOANA!!"

Moana awoke with a start, her forehead sweaty and trembling, breathing with difficulty as if someone tried to stifle her in her sleep. Looking all around her, she found that everything was normal. Getting up from her bed, she silently crossed the hut, going to take a look at her parents, who were sleeping peacefully, like to check if they were okay. Feeling unable to sleep again, the young woman, with a flaming torch in her hand, came out of her hut, crossing the sleepy village, and headed for the beach, to walk a little under the moonlight. As she reached the beach, and feeling the cool, soft sand beneath her feet, Moana began to walk, admiring the light of the stars and the moon reflecting on the surface of the sleeping ocean.

A little further on, the foreign ship, on which Princess Rapunzel, Flynn, and Captain Wagner had returned, was also silent, standing like an immense floating shadow in the middle of the water. Moana knew from now on she was their destination, but for what reason? The images of her nightmare kept haunting her, and that made her uncomfortable. The voice of Maui screaming her name, as calling for help ..... This name resonating many times ... Skull Island ..... And especially this huge humanoid form rising from the mist, eyes brown-scarlet showing a unparalleled fury and emitting a powerful growl that no creature on earth would be able to produce. Moana sits thoughtfully on the sand, and sighs a great blow.

_"Have a bad night?" suddenly made a familiar voice. Moana raised her head and saw the spirit of her grandmother, smiling at her, having just appeared at the edge of the water. Moana was happy to see her again and came to her.

_ "I ..... I don't understand, grandmother .... Maui .... I felt it, he was in danger .... And this name ...."

_ "Skull Island, I know. I told you in your nightmare." pronounced the grandmother. Moana looked surprised but looked down at the horizon of the ocean.

_ "Maui is in this place named Skull Island, is not it?" Moana asked nervously. The grandmother, by her look, made her guess the answer, which the young woman feared. Seeing the distress in her granddaughter's eyes, the grandmother took her hands in hers and smiled at her.

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