Chapter 8 - Night Predators

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That night, after Tim took his guard turn, Moana went to sleep a little, or at least tried, as the atmosphere and innumerable dangers of this island made her nervous. But fatigue taking over, the young woman had finally fallen asleep, lulled by the soft and reassuring heat of the campfire. However, Moana's sleep was not peaceful as she hoped.

When her eyes opened, she was reassured to see herself back on the beaches of Motunui, feeling the warm sand again under her feet and enjoying the lush vegetation, and beyond, her village, not having changed at all.

_ "Mother, father, I am back!" she called, rushing to her village with great haste to see everyone again. But as she approached the first huts, the whole island floor began to shake, more and more violently, making Moana almost stumbling. Many trees fell with a crash under the shaking, as the huts. Then, with horror, Moana saw the ground suddenly explode a few meters ahead, lifting a huge column of dirt and dust in the air. She screamed in horror. From the smoke of the crater emerged a giant creature, reptilian, resembling to the one that Kong had killed at the lake, but much larger and intimidating. The creature roared with a deafening roar, revealing rows of sharp teeth and an undulating tongue almost like that of a snake, and taking a step forward, crushed two huts with one of his giant paws.

_ "Moana!!" suddenly shouted a voice she recognized immediately. Her parents, panicked, were desperately trying to get out of their big hut. Seeing them, Moana began to run toward them, but was horrified when the creature's giant paw crashed down on the parents' hut, crushing them with one swift blow.

_ "NOOOOOOOO!!" shouted Moana in tears and helpless, falling to her knees, her hand outstretched toward the ruined hut. The shadow of the creature covered her completely, and the powerful roar echoed in her ears. Raising her eyes, she saw the gigantic jaw with its sharp teeth and the breath of blood and flesh getting closer to her, to devour her. Knowing that she had no chance of escaping, Moana seemed to resign herself, lowering her head and closing her eyes to receive her fate.

_"Moana? Moana, wake up...."

The young woman, her mind still clouded, opened her eyes with difficulty and moaned. She saw the figure of Princess Rapunzel, leaning over her, and shaking her gently by one shoulder. The princess of Corona showed a rather worried face. Rubbing her still sleepy eyes, Moana stood up, catching sight of Tim and Flynn, looking around, watching closely all around. The light of the campfire brought a zone of light, encircled by an immense dark and frightening territory, in which resounded the wild sounds of this terrifying island. Tim had his rifle in hand, while Flynn was armed with a tip burning wood and seemed to light up in front of him to try to see something.

_"What is going on?" Moana asked, puzzled.

_ "I've heard strange noises all around us, and they're getting closer and closer." Tim answered, still watching in front, not at all reassured.

_ "He's right, I heard them too, footsteps all around us ... we're not alone." confirmed Flynn, also on the lookout and ready to use his fiery brand as a weapon. Moana stayed at Rapunzel's side, near the reassuring fire, and listened attentively. Except the sound of the wind and the animals in the distance, another sound was heard, much closer ..... Fast noises and regular ..... Sounds of footsteps, indeed, and also curious grunt sounds ..... The heart of Moana started beating hard, and the nightmare she had just made, the fear was all the greater..... Catching a wooden stick in fire in the campfire, Moana handed another to the princess, who took it. Each being armed to defend himself in case, the small group formed a circle around the campfire, each looking in one direction.

_ "Oh shit ..... look ....." Tim said in his trembling voice. Everyone heard it and looked in his direction. A dozen meters away, in the dark, had suddenly appeared several pairs of reptilian eyes, shining in the darkness, and dispersing slowly around the small group, still emitting these hungry grunts. Because of the dark night, the group could not see the shapes of these creatures, or precisely where they could be. Rapunzel snuggled up against Flynn, and they both stayed close to each other with their wooden sticks in fire in their hands and ready to defend themselves.

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